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1 Kings Chapter Three


1 Kings 3 Outlines

Solomon Requests Wisdom (v.1~15)

Solomon’s Wise Judgment (v.16~28)

New King James Version (NKJV)



This chapter relates the marriage of Solomon with Pharaoh's daughter 1 Kings 3:1; his piety and devotion 1 Kings 3:2; his prayer for wisdom and understanding which was acceptable to God who promised to grant his request with an addition to it 1 Kings 3:5; an instance and proof of the wisdom given him in determining a case between two harlots brought before him which greatly raised his reputation and gave him reverence among his people 1 Kings 3:16.


1 Kings 3:1   Now Solomon made a treaty with Pharaoh king of Egypt and married Pharaoh’s daughter; then he brought her to the City of David until he had finished building his own house and the house of the Lord and the wall all around Jerusalem.

   YLT  1And Solomon joineth in marriage with Pharaoh king of Egypt and taketh the daughter of Pharaoh and bringeth her in unto the city of David till he completeth to build his own house and the house of Jehovah and the wall of Jerusalem round about.

And Solomon made affinity with Pharaoh king of Egypt .... Pharaoh was a common name of the kings of Egypt of whom no mention is made in Scripture from the times of Moses until this time; which may seem strange when it is considered that that kingdom was a potent one and near the land of Canaan; but it was governed by a race of kings in this period of time of whom as Diodorus SiculusF9Bibliothec. l. 1. p. 42. says there is nothing worthy of relation. The name of this Pharaoh according to EupolemusF11Apud. Euseb. Praeparet. Evangel. l. 9. c. 30 31 32. an Heathen writer was Vaphres; for he says that David contracted a friendship with this king and he relates some letters which passed between him and Solomon concerning sending him workmen for the building of the temple which are still preserved; but CalvisiusF12Chronolog. p. 191 192. thinks it was Sesostris; what this affinity was is next observed:

and took Pharaoh's daughter: that is married her; who according to Ben Gersom was proselyted first to the Jewish religion; which is very probable or otherwise it can hardly be thought Solomon would marry her; and as the forty fifth psalm Psalm 45:1 and the book of Canticles supposed to be written on that occasion seem to confirm; to which may be added that it does not appear she ever enticed or drew him into idolatry; for of all the idols his wives drew him into the worship of no mention is made of any Egyptian deities. The Jews sayF13T. Bab. Sabbat fol. 56. 2. & Sanhedrin fol. 21. 2. Rome was built the same day Solomon married Pharaoh's daughter but without foundation: this was not Solomon's first wife; he was married to Naamah the Ammonitess before he was king for he had Rehoboam by her a year before that for Solomon reigned only forty years and Rehoboam who succeeded him was forty one years of age when he began to reign 1 Kings 11:41;

and brought her into the city of David; the fort of Zion:

until he had made an end of building his own house: which was thirteen years in building and now seems to have been begun 1 Kings 7:1;

and the house of the Lord; the temple which according: to the Jewish chronologyF14Seder Olam Rabba c. 15. p. 41. was begun building before his marriage of Pharaoh's daughter and was seven years in building; and therefore this marriage must be in the fourth year of his reign; for then he began to build the temple 1 Kings 6:37; and so it must be since Shimei lived three years in Jerusalem before he was put to death after which this marriage was 1 Kings 2:37;

and the wall of Jerusalem round about; all which he built by raising a levy on the people 1 Kings 9:15; and when these buildings were finished he built a house for his wife but in the mean while she dwelt in the city of David.


1 Kings 3:2   2 Meanwhile the people sacrificed at the high places because there was no house built for the name of the Lord until those days.

   YLT  2Only the people are sacrificing in high places for there hath not been built a house for the name of Jehovah till those days.

Only the people sacrificed in high places .... On the tops of their houses on hills and mountains and particularly at the high place in Gibeon where the tabernacle was:

because there was no house built unto the name of the Lord until those days; to which they were obliged to repair as afterwards and there offer their sacrifices as the Lord had commanded Deuteronomy 12:5.


1 Kings 3:3   3 And Solomon loved the Lord walking in the statutes of his father David except that he sacrificed and burned incense at the high places.

   YLT  3And Solomon loveth Jehovah to walk in the statutes of David his father -- only in high places he is sacrificing and making perfume –

And Solomon loved the Lord .... The worship of the Lord as the Targum: and which he showed by

walking in the statutes of David his father; in which his father walked which were the statutes of the Lord or which he exhorted him to walk in and were the same 1 Kings 2:3;

only he sacrificed and burnt incense in high places; besides that at Gibeon which it seems David did not.


1 Kings 3:4   4 Now the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there for that was the great high place: Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar.

   YLT  4and the king goeth to Gibeon to sacrifice there for it [is] the great high place; a thousand burnt-offerings cause to ascend doth Solomon on that altar.

And the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there .... About four or five miles from Jerusalem; See Gill on 1 Kings 2:28;

for that was the great high place; not that the place itself might be higher than others that were used; but here were the tabernacle of Moses and the altar; so that it was a more dignified place and more sacred because of them:

a thousand burnt offerings did Solomon offer upon that altar; the brazen altar of burnt offerings there; not at one time but on several days successively; though Jarchi says on one day; and which was a prodigious number never was known the like unless at the dedication of the temple 1 Kings 8:63.


1 Kings 3:5   5 At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said “Ask! What shall I give you?”

   YLT  5In Gibeon hath Jehovah appeared unto Solomon in a dream of the night and God saith `Ask -- what do I give to thee?'

In Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night .... This was not a common natural dream but an extraordinary divine and supernatural one a prophetic dream a night vision such as God used to speak in to his prophets; in which he had the full use of his reasoning powers was under divine impressions and in a spiritual frame of mind and in the exercise of grace; it was not a mere dream that the Lord did appear to him but he really did appear to him while sleeping and dreaming by some display of his glory in some way or another:

and God said ask what I shall give thee; he did not hereby dream that God said to him but he really did say this; bid him ask what he would and it should be given him; he knew what he designed to give but he would have it asked of him as he will be inquired of by all his people to do that for them which he has intended and provided for them; and it is encouragement enough for them to ask since he has promised to give.


1 Kings 3:6   6 And Solomon said: “You have shown great mercy to Your servant David my father because he walked before You in truth in righteousness and in uprightness of heart with You; You have continued this great kindness for him and You have given him a son to sit on his throne as it is this day.

   YLT  6And Solomon saith `Thou hast done with Thy servant David my father great kindness as he walked before Thee in truth and in righteousness and in uprightness of heart with Thee and Thou dost keep for him this great kindness and dost give to him a son sitting on his throne as [at] this day.

And Solomon said .... In his dream; not that he dreamt he said when he did not; but he really said as follows:

thou hast showed unto thy servant David my father great mercy; bestowed many favours and blessings upon him both temporal and spiritual:

according as he walked before thee in truth and in righteousness and in uprightness of heart with thee; in the truth of doctrine and worship according to the revealed will and word of God and which he observed with great strictness living soberly righteously and godly though not without failings and imperfections yet with great integrity and sincerity; and this holy walk of his was not the cause of God's showing mercy to him nor was it in proportion to that but what he was influenced to by the mercy that was shown him:

and thou hast kept for him this great kindness that thou hast given him a son to sit on his throne as it is this day; a son to be his successor meaning himself; which was an additional favour to all the rest and was in reserve and now bestowed as time had made to appear.


1 Kings 3:7   7 Now O Lord my God You have made Your servant king instead of my father David but I am a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in.

   YLT  7And now O Jehovah my God Thou hast caused thy servant to reign instead of David my father; and I [am] a little child I do not know to go out and to come in;

And now O Lord my God thou hast made thy servant king instead of David my father .... Removed by death in whose stead he reigned by the appointment of God and through his overruling providence notwithstanding the attempts made to prevent it and therefore to God he ascribes it:

and I am but a little child; not in age and stature but in knowledge and understanding; for though his father called him a wise man and he was judged so by others and really was one yet in his own opinion and thought of himself such was his modesty and humility that he was but a child as to his intellectual powers and capacity for government: some understand this of age; and the Jews commonly say he was but twelve years of age when he was anointed king which they reckon thus; that he was born at the time that Ammon ravished Tamar two years after which was Absalom's sheep shearing when he slew Amnon on which he fled to Geshur and was there three years; here are five years; he returned thence and was at Jerusalem two years; lo seven years; he rebelled and was slain and after that there was a famine of three years which make ten; and in the year following David numbered the people which was nine or ten months in doing; the next year he died which was the fortieth of his reign in all twelve years; so reckon Jarchi and Kimchi; and Eupolemus an Heathen writerF14Apud Euseb. ut supra. (Praeparat. Evangel. l. 9. c. 30 31 32.) is express for it who says that David when he had reigned forty years delivered up the kingdom to Solomon his son being then twelve years of age which he must receive from the tradition of the Jews; the same is said by several of the ancient fathers as IgnatiusF15Epist. ad Magnesios p. 141. Ed. Voss. and JeromF16Epist. Rufino & Vitali fol. 24 25. tom. 3. ; but this cannot be fact; for if so his son Rehoboam must be born to him when he was but eleven years of age; See Gill on 1 Kings 3:5; it is best therefore to interpret this of the sense he had of the weakness of his understanding and of his incapacity for government as the next clause explains it:

I know not how to go out or come in; in the administration of government to execute his office as a king in allusion to shepherds as kings are sometimes called going in and out before their sheep.


1 Kings 3:8    8 And Your servant is in the midst of Your people whom You have chosen a great people too numerous to be numbered or counted.

   YLT  8and Thy servant [is] in the midst of thy people whom Thou hast chosen a people numerous that is not numbered nor counted for multitude

And thy servant is in the midst of thy people which thou hast chosen .... To be his special and peculiar people above all people on the earth; this is not to be understood locally though Jerusalem where his palace was was in the middle of the land; but of the exercise of his office he being placed over the people and among them and having the care and inspection of them:

a great people that cannot be numbered and counted for multitude; being for number as the stars in the sky and as the sand upon the seashore as had been promised.


1 Kings 3:9   9 Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?”

   YLT  9and Thou hast given to Thy servant an understanding heart to judge Thy people to discern between good and evil; for who is able to judge this Thy great people?'

Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people .... Not an understanding of things spiritual nor of things natural though both were given him but of things political what related to the civil government that he might be able to judge or rule the people of Israel in the best manner:

that I may discern between good and bad; not merely between moral good and evil of which he had a discernment; but between right and wrong in any case or controversy that came before him between man and man that so he might be able to pass a right sentence and do justice to every one:

for who is able to judge this thy so great a people? who are so very numerous and have so many causes to be heard and and those many of them very intricate and difficult; so that no man is equal to such arduous work unless he has more than an ordinary capacity given him by the Lord.


1 Kings 3:10   10 The speech pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this thing.

   YLT  10And the thing is good in the eyes of the Lord that Solomon hath asked this thing

And the speech pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this thing. Understanding in the affairs of civil government; since he had respect not to his own private benefit and advantage but the good of the people he governed and the honour and glory of God who had set him over them they being his chosen people and whose vicegerent he was.


1 Kings 3:11   11 Then God said to him: “Because you have asked this thing and have not asked long life for yourself nor have asked riches for yourself nor have asked the life of your enemies but have asked for yourself understanding to discern justice

   YLT  11and God saith unto him `Because that thou hast asked this thing and hast not asked for thee many days nor asked for thee riches nor asked the life of thine enemies and hast asked for thee discernment to understand judgment

And God said unto him .... Being yet in a dream:

because thou hast asked this thing; wisdom for government:

and hast not asked for thyself long life; which is naturally desired by men and always reckoned a great temporal blessing and especially to be wished for by a king living in great pomp and splendour:

neither hast asked riches for thyself; to support his grandeur; for though David his father had left him much yet not for himself but for the building of the temple:

nor hast asked the life of thine enemies; victory over them and to have it in his power to take away their lives when he pleased; which kings and especially tyrants are desirous of such as are ambitious haughty and revengeful:

but hast asked for thyself understanding to discern judgment; where the right of a cause lay that so he might make a right judgment of it and pass a righteous sentence a sentence not to the injury of any.


1 Kings 3:12   12 behold I have done according to your words; see I have given you a wise and understanding heart so that there has not been anyone like you before you nor shall any like you arise after you.

   YLT  12lo I have done according to thy words; lo I have given to thee a heart wise and understanding that like thee there hath not been before thee and after thee there doth not arise like thee;

Behold I have done according to thy words .... Expressed in his request: he not only promised he would grant him it but he had already done it or at least had begun to do it:

lo I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; had greatly increased his wisdom and understanding in things political things respecting civil government and also in things natural in the knowledge of the things of nature as appears from 1 Kings 4:33; and of the arts and sciences:

so that there was none like thee before thee neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee: which some restrain to kings and to the kings of Israel; that there were none of the kings before him as Saul and David like him for wisdom nor any of the kings of Judah and Israel after him; but it may include all men of all nations in the world since he is said to be wiser than all men; and some other nations and particular men of other nations famous for wisdom are expressly mentioned as inferior to him 1 Kings 4:30; but then this must be understood of men since the fall; for Adam doubtless had a larger stock of knowledge and understanding in his state of innocence than ever Solomon had; and it must be restrained to political and natural knowledge; for as for divine knowledge Kimchi excepts Moses; and we may well except the apostles of Christ for spiritual and evangelical knowledge; and as for our Lord the antitype of Solomon he is greater than him in all kind of knowledge all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge being hid in him see Matthew 12:42.


1 Kings 3:13   13 And I have also given you what you have not asked: both riches and honor so that there shall not be anyone like you among the kings all your days.

   YLT  13and also that which thou hast not asked I have given to thee both riches and honour that there hath not been like thee a man among the kings all thy days;

And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked .... That is intended to give him and now promised it and was about to bestow it on him:

both riches and honour; the former through the presents and tribute of the nations about him and his trading to foreign parts; and the latter chiefly through his wisdom the fame of which was spread everywhere:

so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days; that is none like him for riches and honour among all the kings of the neighbouring nations so long as he lived; though there might be kings in later times as rich or richer than he as Croesus Alexander &c. but then not so honourable as he; so putting both together there were no kings like him before or after and especially if wisdom be added to them as in 2 Chronicles 1:12.


1 Kings 3:14   14 So if you walk in My ways to keep My statutes and My commandments as your father David walked then I will lengthen your days.”

   YLT  14and if thou dost walk in My ways to keep My statutes and My commands as David thy father walked then I have prolonged thy days.'

And if thou wilt walk in my ways .... Prescribed and directed to in his word

to keep my statutes and my commandments; ceremonial moral and judicial:

as thy father David did walk; which Solomon himself had observed 1 Kings 3:6; and whose walk was worthy of his imitation:

then I will lengthen thy days; the other promises of riches and honour are absolute but this of long life conditional depending upon his holy walk and conversation; and hence because he failed in this the Jews observe he did not attain to long life dying as they suppose at fifty two years of age; which is grounded on a wrong hypothesis that he was but twelve years of age when he he began to reign and he reigned forty years as before observed.


1 Kings 3:15   15 Then Solomon awoke; and indeed it had been a dream. And he came to Jerusalem and stood before the ark of the covenant of the Lord offered up burnt offerings offered peace offerings and made a feast for all his servants.

   YLT  15And Solomon awaketh and lo a dream; and he cometh in to Jerusalem and standeth before the ark of the covenant of Jehovah and causeth to ascend burnt-offerings and maketh peace-offerings. And he maketh a banquet for all his servants

And Solomon awoke and behold it was a dream .... Not that it was nothing but a dream a natural one a vain and empty one but a divine and supernatural one a dream of prophecy as the Jews call it or a prophetic dream; a true one which had its fall accomplishment in him the truth of which he perceived as soon as he awoke; for he found himself possessed of such a measure of wisdom and knowledge he never had before which occasioned the thanksgiving and joy next expressed:

and he came to Jerusalem; from Gibeon accompanied by his nobles and servants:

and stood before the ark of the covenant the Lord; which was in a tent David had pitched for it there 2 Samuel 6:17; here he stood with holy reverence as in the presence of the Lord and as a servant of his to minister to him and as a worshipper of him with a heart full of gratitude for the great things he had done for him and promised to him:

and offered up burnt offerings and offered peace offerings; by way of thankfulness for his quiet settlement in the for the Lord's appearance to him at Gibeon and what he had already given and promised to give:

and made a feast to all his servants; in a way of joy and gladness for the above layouts; this feast was either the part of the peace offerings he offered which belonged to the offerer to eat with his friends or this was a special feast made at his own palace for his courtiers.


1 Kings 3:16   16 Now two women who were harlots came to the king and stood before him.

   YLT  16then come in do two women harlots unto the king and stand before him

Then came there two women that were harlots unto the king .... The same day as Abarbinel thinks the night before which the Lord had appeared to Solomon; this came to pass through the providence of God that there should be immediately an instance and proof of the wisdom and understanding the Lord had given to Solomon; these women according to the Targum were victuallers or inn keepers; and so Ben Gersom thinks they were sellers of food as Rahab; though he observes it is possible they might prostitute themselves: this may be said in their favour that common prostitutes do not usually bear children or when they do take no care of them have no affection for them and much less are fond of them as these seem to be; but on the other hand no mention being made of their husbands and living together in one house and alone and being impudent brawling and litigious give great suspicion of the truth of the character they bear in our version and others:

and stood before him; to lay their case before him and each plead their own cause; it may be it had been tried in another court before and could not be determined and so was brought to the king; and if so the wisdom of Solomon was the more conspicuous in deciding it in the manner he did.


1 Kings 3:17   17 And one woman said “O my lord this woman and I dwell in the same house; and I gave birth while she was in the house.

   YLT  17and the one woman saith `O my lord I and this woman are dwelling in one house and I bring forth with her in the house;

And the one woman said .... Who was the plaintiff:

O my lord I and this woman dwell in one house; pointing to the defendant who stood by her:

and I was delivered of a child with her in the house; she being present at the delivery and she only as it should seem.


1 Kings 3:18   18 Then it happened the third day after I had given birth that this woman also gave birth. And we were together; no one was with us in the house except the two of us in the house.

   YLT  18and it cometh to pass on the third day of my bringing forth that this woman also bringeth forth and we [are] together there is no stranger with us in the house save we two in the house.

And it came to pass the third day after I was delivered .... Of a child as before expressed:

that this woman was delivered also; of another child; and being both of the same sex both sons as afterwards appears; and being so nearly of an age it was difficult to distinguish them;

and we were together; there was no stranger with us in the house

save we two in the house; so that in this trial no evidences could be produced on either side.


1 Kings 3:19   19 And this woman’s son died in the night because she lay on him.

   YLT  19And the son of this woman dieth at night because she hath lain upon it

And this woman's child died in the night .... Whether the same night following the day it was born is not certain;

because she overlaid it; or laid upon it being heavy through sleep and not knowing what she did turned herself upon it and smothered it; because it had no previous illness or any marks of any disease it could be thought to die of and perhaps there might be some of its being overlaid.


1 Kings 3:20   20 So she arose in the middle of the night and took my son from my side while your maidservant slept and laid him in her bosom and laid her dead child in my bosom.

   YLT  20and she riseth in the middle of the night and taketh my son from beside me -- and thy handmaid is asleep -- and layeth it in her bosom and her dead son she hath laid in my bosom;

And she arose at midnight .... Perceiving what she had done that she had overlaid her child and it was dead; either through fear of punishment inflicted on persons thus negligent or because of the disgrace of it taking no more care of her child she made use of the following stratagem:

and took my son from beside me while thine handmaid slept; this served to puzzle the cause for how could she know what she did when she was asleep? this she could not prove it was only conjecture:

and laid it in her bosom and laid her dead child in my bosom; where she found it in the morning; but still what proof was there that it was the other woman's and not her own that lay dead in her bosom?


1 Kings 3:21   21 And when I rose in the morning to nurse my son there he was dead. But when I had examined him in the morning indeed he was not my son whom I had borne.”

   YLT  21and I rise in the morning to suckle my son and lo dead; and I consider concerning it in the morning and lo it was not my son whom I did bear.'

And when I rose in the morning to give my child suck .... As she used to do:

behold it was dead; her own child as she thought at first:

but when I had considered it in the morning; it was towards morning or just at break of day when she arose to suckle it and found it dead: but when it was broad day and the light of the morning was increased she more narrowly viewed it and by its features or some marks she had observed;

behold it was not my son which I did bear: she was fully satisfied it was not her own child but another.


1 Kings 3:22   22 Then the other woman said “No! But the living one is my son and the dead one is your son.” And the first woman said “No! But the dead one is your son and the living one is my son.” Thus they spoke before the king.

   YLT  22And the other woman saith `Nay but my son [is] the living and thy son the dead;' and this [one] saith `Nay but thy son [is] the dead and my son the living.' And they speak before the king.

And the other woman said .... The defendant:

nay but the living is my son and the dead is thy son; she denied what the other said but offered nothing in proof of it:

and this said; she who was the plaintiff replied in the same language:

no: but the dead is thy son and the living is my son; without being able to add anything in confirmation of what she had deposed:

thus they spake before the king; several times over and over again what is before expressed having nothing to produce on either side in proof of their assertions; so that it was very difficult to determine to whom the living child belonged.


1 Kings 3:23   23 And the king said “The one says ‘This is my son who lives and your son is the dead one’; and the other says ‘No! But your son is the dead one and my son is the living one.’”

   YLT  23And the king saith `This [one] saith This [is] my son the living and thy son [is] the dead; and that [one] saith Nay but thy son [is] the dead and my son the living.'

Then said the king .... As judge summing up what had been said on both sides which were only bare assertions without proof; the one affirming what the other denied and the other denying what the other affirmed:

the one saith this is my son that liveth and thy son is the dead;

and the other saith nay; but thy son is the dead and my son is the living; this he repeated to show to all present that no determination could be made by what had been said on each side and that some other method must be taken.


1 Kings 3:24   24 Then the king said “Bring me a sword.” So they brought a sword before the king.

   YLT  24And the king saith `Take for me a sword;' and they bring the sword before the king

And the king said bring me a sword .... The design of which might not at first appear to the court and it might be thought strange and greatly wondered at: what should be the meaning of it:

and they brought a sword before the king; his commands were obeyed.


1 Kings 3:25   25 And the king said “Divide the living child in two and give half to one and half to the other.”

   YLT  25and the king saith `Cut the living child into two and give the half to the one and the half to the other.'

And the king said .... To one of his officers:

divide the living child in two; not that he meant it should be actually done though it might at first be thought he really intended it and so strike the minds of some with horror as it did however the mother; but he ordered this to try the affections of the women and thereby come to the true knowledge of the affair; though some think he knew it before by their countenances and manner of speech but that he was desirous all present might see it and be satisfied of it:

and give half to the one and half to the other; since both claimed it.


1 Kings 3:26   26 Then the woman whose son was living spoke to the king for she yearned with compassion for her son; and she said “O my lord give her the living child and by no means kill him!” But the other said “Let him be neither mine nor yours but divide him.

   YLT  26And the woman whose son [is] the living one saith unto the king (for her bowels yearned over her son) yea she saith `O my lord give to her the living child and put it not at all to death;' and this [one] saith `Let it be neither mine or thine -- cut [it].'

Then spake the woman whose the living child was unto the king .... In haste and with great vehemency lest the executioner should at once dispatch it:

(for her bowels yearned upon her son); not being able to bear to see his life taken away:

and she said O my lord: or "on meF17בי "in me" Montanus; so Abarbinel. my lord"; let the sin the lie that I have told be on me and the punishment of it; she rather chose to be reckoned a liar and to endure any punishment such an offence deserved than that her child should be cut asunder:

give her the living child and in no wise slay it; being willing to part with her interest in it rather than it should be put to death:

but the other said let it be neither mine nor thine but divide it; for as she knew it was not her own she had no affection for it nor desire to have it; chose rather to be clear of the expense of keeping and nursing it and would by its being put to death be avenged of her adversary who had brought this cause before the king.


1 Kings 3:27   27 So the king answered and said “Give the first woman the living child and by no means kill him; she is his mother.”

   YLT  27And the king answereth and saith `Give ye to her the living child and put it not at all to death; she [is] its mother.'

Then the king answered and said give her the living child

and in no wise slay it .... That is to her who desired it might not be slain but rather be given to her who had no right to it:

she is the mother thereof; which might be strongly concluded from her compassion for it her eagerness and earnestness to have its life spared and from the indifference of the other yea from her cruelty and barbarity in moving to have it divided.


1 Kings 3:28   28 And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had rendered; and they feared the king for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to administer justice.

   YLT  28And all Israel hear of the judgment that the king hath judged and fear because of the king for they have seen that the wisdom of God [is] in his heart to do judgment.

And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had judged .... In the above case; the decision of it was divulged throughout the land and the fame of it was spread everywhere:

and they feared the king; reverenced him as a wise judicious and faithful king and feared to do anything of a criminal nature as perceiving that he was so sagacious and penetrating that he would discover it quickly and bring them to shame and punishment:

for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment; that God had put more than ordinary wisdom into him to make a right judgment in causes that came before him and finish them in the most just and equitable manner.


──John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible