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1 Kings Chapter Twenty


1 Kings 20 Outline of Contents

Ahab Defeats the Syrians (v.1~22)

The Syrians Again Defeated (v. 23~30)

Ahab’s Treaty with Ben-Hadad (v. 31~34)

Ahab Condemned (v. 35~43)

New King James Version (NKJV)



This chapter relates the siege of Samaria by the king of Syria and his insolent demand of Ahab's wives children and riches 1 Kings 20:1 the sally made out upon him at the direction of the prophet and the route made of the Syrian army 1 Kings 20:13 the return of the Syrian army the next year when there was a pitched battle between them and Israel in which the former were entirely defeated 1 Kings 20:22 the peace Ahab made with the king of Syria 1 Kings 20:31 and the reproof one of the sons of the prophets gave him for it which made him very uneasy 1 Kings 20:35.


1 Kings 20:1   Now Ben-Hadad the king of Syria gathered all his forces together; thirty-two kings were with him with horses and chariots. And he went up and besieged Samaria and made war against it.

   YLT  1And Ben-Hadad king of Aram hath gathered all his force and thirty and two kings [are] with him and horse and chariot and he goeth up and layeth siege against Samaria and fighteth with it

And Benhadad the king of Syria gathered all his host together .... This was Benhadad the second the son of that Benhadad to whom Asa sent to help him against Baasha 1 Kings 15:18.

and there were thirty and two kings with him; these were heads of families so called and at most governors of cities under Benhadad; petty princes such as were in the land of Canaan in Joshua's time:

and horses and chariots; how many is not said:

and he went up and besieged Samaria and warred against it; he went up with such an intent but had not as yet done it in form; what moved him to it cannot be said precisely whether an ambitious view of enlarging his dominions or because the king of Israel paid not the tribute his father had imposed upon him see 1 Kings 20:34 however so it was through the providence of God as a scourge to Ahab for his impiety.


1 Kings 20:2   2 Then he sent messengers into the city to Ahab king of Israel and said to him “Thus says Ben-Hadad:

   YLT  2and sendeth messengers unto Ahab king of Israel to the city

And he sent messengers to Ahab king of Israel into the city .... Who there remained and attempted not to go forth and meet him and stop his progress though he must have passed great part of his dominions to come to Samaria:

and said unto him thus saith Benhadad; by them his messengers as follows.


1 Kings 20:3   3 ‘Your silver and your gold are mine; your loveliest wives and children are mine.’”

   YLT  3and saith to him `Thus said Ben-Hadad `Thy silver and thy gold are mine and thy wives and thy sons -- the best -- are mine.'

Thy silver and thy gold is mine .... Not of right but reckoning it as good as in his hands Ahab not being able to resist him:

and thy wives also; for it seems he had more than Jezebel:

and thy children; which were many for he had no less than seventy sons 2 Kings 10:1

even the goodliest are mine: some aggravate this as if his view was to commit the unnatural sin with his male children when in his possession.


1 Kings 20:4   4 And the king of Israel answered and said “My lord O king just as you say I and all that I have are yours.”

   YLT  4And the king of Israel answereth and saith `According to thy word my lord O king: I [am] thine and all that I have.'

And the king of Israel answered and said my lord O king .... So he said to Benhadad's messengers representing him as acknowledging his sovereignty over him:

according to thy saying I am thine and all that I have: which he understood of holding all that he had of him by giving him homage and paying him tribute; not that he was to deliver all his substance and especially his wives and children into his hands.


1 Kings 20:5   5 Then the messengers came back and said “Thus speaks Ben-Hadad saying ‘Indeed I have sent to you saying “You shall deliver to me your silver and your gold your wives and your children”;

   YLT  5And the messengers turn back and say `Thus spake Ben-Hadad saying Surely I sent unto thee saying Thy silver and thy gold and thy wives and thy sons to me thou dost give;

And the messengers came again .... From Benhadad:

and said thus speaketh Benhadad saying although I have sent unto thee saying: at the first message:

thou shalt deliver me thy silver and thy gold and thy wives and thy children; into his possession and not as Ahab understood it that he should be his vassal and pay a yearly tribute for his quiet enjoyment of them; yet even this he would not now abide by growing still more haughty upon the mean submission of Ahab as by what follows.


1 Kings 20:6   6 but I will send my servants to you tomorrow about this time and they shall search your house and the houses of your servants. And it shall be that whatever is pleasant in your eyes they will put it in their hands and take it.’”

   YLT  6for if at this time to-morrow I send my servants unto thee then they have searched thy house and the houses of thy servants and it hath been every desirable thing of thine eyes they place in their hand and have taken away.'

Yet I will send my servants unto thee tomorrow about this time .... He gave him twenty four hours to consider of it:

and they shall search thine house and the houses of thy servants; the royal palace and the houses of the noblemen and even of every of his subjects in Samaria:

and it shall be that whatsoever is pleasant (or desirable) in thine eyes they shall put it in their hand and take it away; not be content with what should be given but search for more; and if any in particular was more desirable to the possessor than anything else that should be sure to be taken away; which was vastly insolent and aggravating.


1 Kings 20:7   7 So the king of Israel called all the elders of the land and said “Notice please and see how this man seeks trouble for he sent to me for my wives my children my silver and my gold; and I did not deny him.”

   YLT  7And the king of Israel calleth to all the elders of the land and saith `Know I pray you and see that evil this [one] is seeking for he sent unto me for my wives and for my sons and for my silver and for my gold and I withheld not from him.'

Then the King of Israel called all the elders of the land .... His poor sneaking spirit was a little aroused with the last message and therefore called a council of the elders of the people upon it which was a piece of wisdom in him:

and said mark I pray you and see how this man seeketh mischief; nothing less than the entire ruin of the nation:

for he sent unto me for my wives and for my children and for my silver and for my gold and I denied him not; in the sense he understood him which was that he was to be a vassal and tributary to him for the sake of holding these which yet was very mean; but he wanted to have these in hand and not them only but the pillaging of all his subjects.


1 Kings 20:8   8 And all the elders and all the people said to him “Do not listen or consent.”

   YLT  8And all the elders and all the people say unto him `Do not hearken nor consent.'

And all the elders and all the people said unto him .... They were unanimous in their advice:

hearken not unto him nor consent; promising no doubt that they would stand by him.


1 Kings 20:9   9 Therefore he said to the messengers of Ben-Hadad “Tell my lord the king ‘All that you sent for to your servant the first time I will do but this thing I cannot do.’” And the messengers departed and brought back word to him.

   YLT  9And he saith to the messengers of Ben-Hadad `Say to my lord the king All that thou didst send for unto thy servant at the first I do and this thing I am not able to do;' and the messengers go and take him back word.

Wherefore he sent unto the messengers of Benhadad .... Upon the advice the elders had given him and encouraged thereby though in a poor sneaking manner after all:

tell my lord the king all that thou didst send for to thy servant at the first I will do; owning him as his lord and himself as his servant and promising to grant his first demand though so insolent in the sense he understood him of paying tribute to him for it:

but this thing I may not do; to have not only all put into his hands but his and his servant's houses to be searched and pillaged because the elders of his people would not agree; and yet he seems to speak as if he himself would have submitted to it but was restrained by his council:

and the messengers departed and brought him word again; reported to Benhadad the answer they received from Ahab.


1 Kings 20:10   10 Then Ben-Hadad sent to him and said “The gods do so to me and more also if enough dust is left of Samaria for a handful for each of the people who follow me.”

   YLT  10And Ben-Hadad sendeth unto him and saith `Thus do the gods to me and thus do they add if the dust of Samaria suffice for handfuls for all the people who [are] at my feet.'

And Benhadad sent unto him and said .... That is to Ahab:

the gods do so unto me and more also; bring greater evils upon me than I can think or express:

if the dust of Samaria shall suffice for handfuls for all the people that follow me signifying that he made no doubt of it of reducing it to dust by numbers of men he should bring with him which would be so many that if each was to take an handful of dust of the ruins of Samaria there would not enough for them all; which was an hectoring and parabolical speech uttered in his wrath and fury.


1 Kings 20:11   11 So the king of Israel answered and said “Tell him ‘Let not the one who puts on his armor boast like the one who takes it off.’”

   YLT  11And the king of Israel answereth and saith `Speak ye: let not him who is girding on boast himself as him who is loosing [his armour].'

Very mildly and very wisely:

tell him let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off; that is he that prepares for the battle as he that has got the victory; the sense is let no man triumph before the battle is over and the victory won; the events of war are uncertain; the battle is not always to the strong.


1 Kings 20:12   12 And it happened when Ben-Hadad heard this message as he and the kings were drinking at the command post that he said to his servants “Get ready.” And they got ready to attack the city.

   YLT  12And it cometh to pass at the hearing of this word -- and he is drinking he and the kings in the booths -- that he saith unto his servants `Set yourselves;' and they set themselves against the city.

And it came to pass when Benhadad heard this message (as he was drinking he and the kings in the pavilions) .... Though it was at noon or before 1 Kings 20:16 which shows that he and they were addicted to intemperance:

that he said unto his servants; some of the principal officers of his army:

set yourselves in array; prepare for battle betake yourselves to your arms invest the city at once and place the engines against it to batter it down:

and they set themselves in array against the city; besieged it in form at least prepared for it; for it seems after all that it was not properly done.


1 Kings 20:13   13 Suddenly a prophet approached Ahab king of Israel saying “Thus says the Lord: ‘Have you seen all this great multitude? Behold I will deliver it into your hand today and you shall know that I am the Lord.’”

   YLT  13And lo a certain prophet hath come nigh unto Ahab king of Israel and saith `Thus said Jehovah `Hast thou seen all this great multitude? lo I am giving it into thy hand to-day and thou hast known that I [am] Jehovah.'

And behold there came a prophet unto Ahab king of Israel .... Supposed by the Jewish writers to be Micaiah the son of Imlah 1 Kings 22:9 one of those perhaps that Obadiah hid in the cave and now is sent out publicly on an errand to Ahab:

saying thus saith the Lord hast thou seen all this great multitude? considered what a vast number Benhadad's army consisted of:

behold I will deliver it into thine hand this day; as great as it is:

and thou shalt know that I am the Lord; and not Baal who can save by few as well as by many and from a great multitude.


1 Kings 20:14   14 So Ahab said “By whom?” And he said “Thus says the Lord: ‘By the young leaders of the provinces.’” Then he said “Who will set the battle in order?” And he answered “You.”

   YLT  14And Ahab saith `By whom?' and he saith `Thus said Jehovah By the young men of the heads of the provinces;' and he saith `Who doth direct the battle?' and he saith `Thou.'

And Ahab said by whom?.... Knowing he had no army with him sufficient to go out with against the Syrian army:

and he said thus saith the Lord even by the young men of the princes of the provinces; either such as Kimchi thinks who were brought up with him; or as others the sons of governors of provinces who were kept as hostages that their fathers might not rebel; neither of which is likely: but rather the servants of such princes who waited on them and lived delicately and at ease and were not trained up to military exercise even by these should the victory be obtained:

then he said who shall order the battle? begin the attack we or they? or who shall conduct it or be the general of the army go before it and lead them on? Ahab might think being an idolater that the Lord would not make use of him or otherwise who could be thought of but himself?

and he answered thou; thou must be the commander go forth with the army and make the attack upon the enemy.


1 Kings 20:15   15 Then he mustered the young leaders of the provinces and there were two hundred and thirty-two; and after them he mustered all the people all the children of Israel—seven thousand.

   YLT  15And he inspecteth the young men of the heads of the provinces and they are two hundred two and thirty and after them he hath inspecteth the whole of the people all the sons of Israel seven thousand

Then he numbered the young men of the princes of the provinces and they were two hundred and thirty two .... A very small number to go forth against so great an army as the host of the Syrians and these raw unexperienced young men:

and after them he numbered all the people even all the children of Israel being seven thousand; which could never be the number of all the people in the land nor even in the city of Samaria who were able to bear arms; but it must mean such who were willing to go out to war on this occasion: and the number being just the same as of those that bowed not the knee to Baal has led the Jewish commentators to conclude that these were the men that were numbered for war; but it is not likely that they were all in Samaria or that none but those would go to war though it must be owned the number is remarkable.


1 Kings 20:16   16 So they went out at noon. Meanwhile Ben-Hadad and the thirty-two kings helping him were getting drunk at the command post.

   YLT  16and they go out at noon and Ben-Hadad is drinking -- drunk in the booths he and the kings the thirty and two kings helping him.

And they went out at noon .... From Samaria the two hundred and thirty two young men and the 7000 Israelites openly with great spirit and courage fearless and undaunted; but it is not said that Ahab went out at the head of them; it seems as if he did not by what is said 1 Kings 20:21

but Benhadad was drinking himself drunk in the pavilions (or booths or tents) he and the kings the thirty two kings that helped him; who either were his subjects or his tributaries or confederates; being secure and having nothing to fear from Ahab he and they gave themselves up to carousing and drinking even at noon and so destruction came upon them unawares as on Belshazzar.


1 Kings 20:17   17 The young leaders of the provinces went out first. And Ben-Hadad sent out a patrol and they told him saying “Men are coming out of Samaria!”

   YLT  17And the young men of the heads of the provinces go out at the first and Ben-Hadad sendeth and they declare to him saying `Men have come out of Samaria.'

And the young men of the princes of the provinces went out first .... From Samaria before the 7000 did:

and Benhadad sent out; of his pavilion a messenger or messengers to his sentinels to know what news and how matters stood whether Ahab had sent any message signifying his compliance with his terms:

and they told him saying there are men come out of Samaria; but upon what account they could not say.


1 Kings 20:18   18 So he said “If they have come out for peace take them alive; and if they have come out for war take them alive.”

   YLT  18And he saith `If for peace they have come out -- catch them alive; and if for battle they have come out -- alive catch them.'

And he said whether they be come out for peace .... To propose terms of peace:

take them alive; make them prisoners which was contrary to the laws of nations:

or whether they be come out for war take them alive; he made no doubt of their being easily taken; but he would not have them be put to death that he might examine them and know the state of things in Samaria and what Ahab intended to do that he might take his measures accordingly.


1 Kings 20:19   19 Then these young leaders of the provinces went out of the city with the army which followed them.

   YLT  19And these have gone out of the city -- the young men of the heads of the provinces -- and the force that [is] after them

So these young men of the princes of the provinces came out of the city .... First as before observed and marched forwards towards the Syrian camp:

and the army which followed them; consisting of 7000 men.


1 Kings 20:20   20 And each one killed his man; so the Syrians fled and Israel pursued them; and Ben-Hadad the king of Syria escaped on a horse with the cavalry.

   YLT  20and smite each his man and Aram fleeth and Israel pursueth them and Ben-Hadad king of Aram escapeth on a horse and the horsemen;

And they slew everyone his man .... The Syrian army or at least a body of men detached from them met them opposed them and fought them and they slew of them 7232 men; as many as they themselves were:

and the Syrians fled; not expecting such a rebuff:

and Israel pursued them; to make some further advantage of their victory:

and Benhadad the king of Syria escaped on an horse with the horsemen; with two couple of horsemen as the Targum; with these to guard him he galloped away as fast as he could for his life.


1 Kings 20:21   21 Then the king of Israel went out and attacked the horses and chariots and killed the Syrians with a great slaughter.

   YLT  21and the king of Israel goeth out and smiteth the horses and the charioteers and hath smitten among the Aramaeans a great smiting.

And the king of Israel went out .... Of Samaria; when he saw the Syrians fleeing and his army pursuing he went forth perhaps with more forces who were now willing to join with him; JosephusF3Antiqu. l. 8. c. 14. sect. 2. says Ahab had another army within the walls:

and smote the horses and chariots; that is the men that rode on horses; and in chariots the Syrian cavalry:

and slew the Syrians with a great slaughter; how many were slain is not said; but the Jewish historianF4Ibid. says they plundered the camp in which were much riches and great plenty of gold and silver and took their chariots and horses and returned to the city of Samaria.


1 Kings 20:22   22 And the prophet came to the king of Israel and said to him “Go strengthen yourself; take note and see what you should do for in the spring of the year the king of Syria will come up against you.”

   YLT  22And the prophet cometh nigh unto the king of Israel and saith to him `Go strengthen thyself and know and see that which thou dost for at the turn of the year the king of Aram is coming up against thee.'

And the prophet came to the king of Israel .... The same that came to him before:

and said unto him go strengthen thyself; exhorted him to fortify his cities especially Samaria and increase his army that he might be able to oppose the king of Syria:

and mark and see what thou doest: observe his moral and religious actions and take heed that he did not offend the Lord by them as well as make military preparations:

for at the return of the year the king of Syria will come up against thee; about the same time in the next year at the spring of the year when kings go out to war see 2 Samuel 11:1.


1 Kings 20:23   23 Then the servants of the king of Syria said to him “Their gods are gods of the hills. Therefore they were stronger than we; but if we fight against them in the plain surely we will be stronger than they.

   YLT  23And the servants of the king of Aram said unto him `Gods of hills [are] their gods therefore they were stronger than we; and yet we fight with them in the plain -- are we not stronger than they?

And the servants of the king of Syria said unto him .... His ministers of state his privy counsellors:

their gods are gods of the hills therefore they were stronger than we; and beat them in the last battle; this notion they might receive from what they had heard of Jehovah delivering the law on Mount Sinai to Moses and of the miraculous things done lately on Mount Carmel as well as of their worship being in high places especially at Jerusalem the temple there being built on an hill as was Samaria itself near to which they had their last defeat; and this notion of topical deities very much obtained among the Heathens in later times some of which they supposed presided over rivers others over woods and others over hills and mountainsF5"Dii fumus agrestes et qui dominemur in altis montibus.----" Ovid. Fast. l. 3. : so Nemestinus the god of woods Collina the goddess of hills and Vallina of valleysF6Vid. D. Herbert de Cherbury de Relig. Gent. c. 12. p. 198 112. ; and ArnobinsF7Adv. Gentes l. 4. makes mention of the god Montinus and LivyF8Hist. l. 21. c. 38. of the god Peninus who had his name from a part of the Alps so called where he was worshipped; and there also the goddess Penina was worshipped; and LactantiusF9De Mort. Persecutor. c. 11. p. 22. Vid. Ovid. Metamorph. l. 1. Fab. 8. ver. 320. "Et numina montis adorant". See Ep. 4. ver. 171. speaks of the gods of the mountains the mother of Maximilian was a worshipper of; and even Jupiter had names from mountains as Olympius Capitolinus &c. and such was the great god Pan called mountainous PanF11Sophoclis Oedipus Tyr. ver. 1110. :

but let us fight against them in the plain and surely we shall be stronger than they; and prevail over them and conquer them.


1 Kings 20:24   24 So do this thing: Dismiss the kings each from his position and put captains in their places;

   YLT  24`And this thing do thou: turn aside the kings each out of his place and set captains in their stead;

And do this thing .... Also take this further piece of advice:

take the kings away every man out of his place: for being brought up delicately they were not inured to war nor expert in the art of it; and being addicted to pleasure gave themselves to that and drew the king into it which they observed was the case before though they did not care to mention it; and if they were tributaries or allies they would not fight as men do for their own country:

and put captains in their rooms; of his own people men of skill and courage and who would fight both for their own honour and for the good of their country.


1 Kings 20:25   25 and you shall muster an army like the army that you have lost horse for horse and chariot for chariot. Then we will fight against them in the plain; surely we will be stronger than they.” And he listened to their voice and did so.

   YLT  25and thou number to thee a force as the force that is fallen from thee and horse for horse and chariot for chariot and we fight with them in the plain; are we not stronger than they?' and he hearkeneth to their voice and doth so.

And number thee an army like the army that thou hast lost .... Raise an army of an equal number which they supposed he was able to do:

horse for horse and chariot for chariot; as many horses and chariots as he had before:

and we will fight against them in the plain; where they could make use of their horses and chariots to greater advantage than on hills and mountains see Judges 1:19.

and surely we shall be stronger than they; and beat them:

and he hearkened unto their voice and did so; took their counsel and prepared an army and placed captains in it instead of kings.


1 Kings 20:26   26 So it was in the spring of the year that Ben-Hadad mustered the Syrians and went up to Aphek to fight against Israel.

   YLT  26And it cometh to pass at the turn of the year that Ben-Hadad inspecteth the Aramaeans and goeth up to Aphek to battle with Israel

And it came to pass at the return of the year .... In the spring or autumn as some think; see Gill on 2 Samuel 11:1.

that Benhadad numbered the Syrians; took a muster of his army to see if he had got the number he had before:

and went up to Aphek to fight against Israel; not that in Judah Joshua 15:53 rather that in Asher Joshua 19:30 but it seems to be that which AdrichomiusF12Theatrum Terrae Sanct. p. 35. places in Issachar near to the famous camp of Esdraelon or valley of Jezreel where it is probable the king of Syria intended to have fought; the battle; and some travellers as he observes sayF13Brocard. & Breidenbach. in ib. the ruins of that city are still shown in that great camp or plain not far from Gilboa to the east of Mount Carmel and five miles from Tabor; according to BuntingF14Travels &c. p. 164. it was fourteen miles from Samaria; but it may be Aphaca near Mount Lebanon and the river AdonisF15Vid. Sozomen. Hist. l. 2. c. 5. is meant.


1 Kings 20:27   27 And the children of Israel were mustered and given provisions and they went against them. Now the children of Israel encamped before them like two little flocks of goats while the Syrians filled the countryside.

   YLT  27and the sons of Israel have been inspected and supported and go to meet them and the sons of Israel encamp before them like two flocks of goats and the Aramaeans have filled the land.

And the children of Israel were numbered and were all present .... The same as before; the two hundred and thirty two young men of the princes of the provinces and 7000 of the people not one was missing:

and went against them; out of Samaria towards Aphek:

and the children of Israel pitched before them like two little flocks of kids: being few and weak the two hundred and thirty two young men in one body and the 7000 in another:

but the Syrians filled the country: with their men their horses and their chariots.


1 Kings 20:28   28 Then a man of God came and spoke to the king of Israel and said “Thus says the Lord: ‘Because the Syrians have said “The Lord is God of the hills but He is not God of the valleys ” therefore I will deliver all this great multitude into your hand and you shall know that I am the Lord.’”

   YLT  28And there cometh nigh a man of God and speaketh unto the king of Israel and saith `Thus said Jehovah Because that the Aramaeans have said God of hills [is] Jehovah and He [is] not God of valleys -- I have given the whole of this great multitude into thy hand and ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.'

And there came a man of God .... The same as before 1 Kings 20:13 or had comeF16ויגש "accesserat" Vatablus. before the little army went out to meet the Syrians; though he might go to Ahab when encamped for his encouragement:

and spake unto the king of Israel and said thus saith the Lord because the Syrians have said the Lord is God of the hills but he is not God of the valleys; See Gill on 1 Kings 20:23.

therefore will I deliver all this great multitude into thine hand; not for Ahab's sake would the Lord do this who does not appear thankful to God for the former victory nor to be reformed from his idolatry and the better for it but for the honour of his own name which had been blasphemed by the Syrians:

and ye shall know that I am the Lord; both of hills and valleys the omnipotent Jehovah the only true God.


1 Kings 20:29   29 And they encamped opposite each other for seven days. So it was that on the seventh day the battle was joined; and the children of Israel killed one hundred thousand foot soldiers of the Syrians in one day.

   YLT  29And they encamp one over-against another seven days and it cometh to pass on the seventh day that the battle draweth near and the sons of Israel smite Aram -- a hundred thousand footmen in one day.

And they pitched one over against the other seven days .... Very probably the Israelites pitched upon an hill and the Syrians waited till they changed their position not caring to fall upon them though so very supernumerary to them for the reason before given:

and so it was that in the seventh day the battle was joined; or they that made war drew nigh as the Targum and both sides engaged in battle:

and the children of Israel slew of the Syrians 100 000 footmen in one day; which was a prodigious slaughter to be made by so small an army; the hand of the Lord was visible in it.


1 Kings 20:30   30 But the rest fled to Aphek into the city; then a wall fell on twenty-seven thousand of the men who were left. And Ben-Hadad fled and went into the city into an inner chamber.

   YLT  30And those left flee to Aphek unto the city and the wall falleth on twenty and seven chief men who are left and Ben-Hadad hath fled and cometh in unto the city into the innermost part.

But the rest fled to Aphek into the city .... Which perhaps was in the hands of the Syrians and was designed for a retreat for them should they be beaten:

and there a wall fell upon twenty seven thousand of the men that were left; not slain in the battle; here again the Lord might be seen who as Abarbinel observes fought from heaven and either by a violent wind or an earthquake threw down the wall upon them just as they had got under it for shelter:

and Benhadad fled and came into the city into an inner chamber; or "into a chamber within a chamber"F17חדר בחדר "cubiculo in cubiculum" Pagninus Montanus. for greater secrecy.


1 Kings 20:31   31 Then his servants said to him “Look now we have heard that the kings of the house of Israel are merciful kings. Please let us put sackcloth around our waists and ropes around our heads and go out to the king of Israel; perhaps he will spare your life.”

   YLT  31And his servants say unto him `Lo we pray thee we have heard that the kings of the house of Israel -- that they are kind kings; let us put we pray thee sackcloth on our loins and ropes on our heads and we go out unto the king of Israel; it may be he doth keep thee alive.'

And his servants said unto him .... Being reduced to the utmost extremity; for if he attempted to go out of the city he would fall into the hands of the Israelites and there was no safety in it the wall of it being fallen down; and it could not be thought he could be concealed long in the chamber where he was wherefore his servants advised as follows:

behold now we have heard that the kings of the Israel are merciful kings; not only the best of them as David and Solomon but even the worst of them in comparison of Heathen princes were kind and humane to those that fell into their hands and became their captives:

let us I pray thee; so said one in the name of the rest:

put sack cloth on our loins and ropes upon our heads; and so coming in such a mean and humble manner and not with their armour on they might the rather hope to have admittance; so the Syracusans sent ambassadors to Athens in filthy garments with the hair of their heads and beards long and all in slovenly habits to move their pityF18Justin e Trogo l. 4. c. 4. ;

and go out to the king of Israel: and be humble supplicants to him:

peradventure he will save thy life; upon a petition to him from him; to which the king agreed and sent it by them.


1 Kings 20:32   32 So they wore sackcloth around their waists and put ropes around their heads and came to the king of Israel and said “Your servant Ben-Hadad says ‘Please let me live.’” And he said “Is he still alive? He is my brother.”

   YLT  32And they gird sackcloth on their loins and ropes [are] on their heads and they come in unto the king of Israel and say `Thy servant Ben-Hadad hath said Let me live I pray thee;' and he saith `Is he yet alive? he [is] my brother.'

So they girded sackcloth on their loins and put ropes on their heads .... Signifying they came to surrender themselves to him as his captives and prisoners and he might do with them as seemed good to him hang them up if he pleased for which they brought ropes with them as a token that they deserved it see Isaiah 20:2

and came to the king of Israel and said thy servant Benhadad saith I pray thee let me live: he that a little while ago insolently demanded his wives and children and silver and gold as his property now is his humble servant and begs not for his crown and kingdom but for his life:

and he said is he yet alive? he is my brother; which was intimating at once that not only they might expect he would spare his life who seemed to be so glad that he was alive but that he would show him more favour having a great affection for him as his brother; this was a very foolish expression from a king in his circumstances with respect to one who had given him so much trouble and distress and had behaved with so much haughtiness and contempt towards him.


1 Kings 20:33   33 Now the men were watching closely to see whether any sign of mercy would come from him; and they quickly grasped at this word and said “Your brother Ben-Hadad.” So he said “Go bring him.” Then Ben-Hadad came out to him; and he had him come up into the chariot.

   YLT  33And the men observe diligently and hasten and catch it from him and say `Thy brother Ben-Hadad;' and he saith `Go ye in bring him;' and Ben-Hadad cometh out unto him and he causeth him to come up on the chariot.

Now the men did diligently observe whether anything would come from him .... That would be a good omen to them and encourage them to hope for success; they observed him as diligently by his words and behaviour as soothsayers do when they look out for a lucky sign; for the word is sometimes used of diviningF19ינחשו "augurati sunt" Pagninus Montanus Munster Vatablus. :

and did hastily catch it; as soon as it was out of his mouth and laid hold on it to improve it to advantage being wiser than him:

and they said thy brother Benhadad; him whom thou callest thy brother; he is thy brother and is alive; this they caught and expressed it to observe whether it was a slip of his tongue and whether he spoke it heartily and would abide by it or whether he would retract it:

then he said go ye bring him; meaning from the city to the place where he was:

then Benhadad came forth to him; out of his chamber upon the report of his servants:

and he caused him to come up into the chariot; to sit and converse with him there.


1 Kings 20:34   34 So Ben-Hadad said to him “The cities which my father took from your father I will restore; and you may set up marketplaces for yourself in Damascus as my father did in Samaria.” Then Ahab said “I will send you away with this treaty.” So he made a treaty with him and sent him away.

   YLT  34And he saith unto him `The cities that my father took from thy father I give back and streets thou dost make for thee in Damascus as my father did in Samaria;' -- `and I with a covenant send thee away;' and he maketh with him a covenant and sendeth him away.

And Benhadad said unto him .... The word Benhadad is not in the original text and some as Osiander and others have thought they are the words of Ahab last spoken of; which seems most likely who not only took Benhadad into his chariot but in his great and superabundant kindness though the conqueror said to him what follows:

the cities which my father took from thy father I will restore; that is those cities which Omri the father of Ahab had taken from the father of Benhadad; for as Omri was a prince of might and valour 1 Kings 16:16 it is more probable that he took cities from the king of Syria than that the king of Syria should take any from him and which Ahab in his circumstances weakly promises to restore:

and thou shall make streets for thee in Damascus as my father made in Samaria; which confirms it that it is Ahab and not Benhadad that is speaking; for Benhadad's father never had any power nor residence in Samaria whereas Omri the father of Ahab had he built it and made it his royal seat; and in like manner Ahab promises Benhadad that he should have his palace at Damascus the metropolis of Syria and exercise power there and over all Syria; whereby Ahab renounced all right he had to the kingdom and any of the cities of it: for by "streets" are not meant those literally so called for the making of which there was no reason; nor markets to take a toll from as some supposing them to be the words of Benhadad; nor courts of judicature to oblige them to pay it who refused it as others; nor fortresses to keep them in awe; but a royal palace as a learned criticF20Vallandi Dissert. ad 1. Reg. xx. 33 34. Subsect. 2. sect. 4. has observed for Benhadad to reside in; this Ahab gave him power to erect and added:

and I will send thee away with this covenant; or promise now made:

so he made a covenant with him; confirmed the above promises:

and sent him away; free to enjoy his crown and kingdom for which folly and weakness Ahab is reproved by a prophet 1 Kings 20:42.


1 Kings 20:35   35 Now a certain man of the sons of the prophets said to his neighbor by the word of the Lord “Strike me please.” And the man refused to strike him.

   YLT  35And a certain man of the sons of the prophets said unto his neighbour by the word of Jehovah `Smite me I pray thee;' and the man refuseth to smite him

And a certain man of the sons of the prophets .... Which the Jews take to be Micaiah and so JosephusF21Antiqu. l. 8. c. 14. sect 5. which is probable; the same that had been with Ahab more than once; and whoever he was it is not unlikely that he was the same since Ahab knew him when his disguise was off 1 Kings 20:41

said unto his neighbour in the word of the Lord smite me I pray thee; told his neighbour that by the command of God he was ordered to bid him smite him so as to wound him:

and the man refused to smite him; being his neighbour and perhaps a fellow prophet and having an affection for him.


1 Kings 20:36   36 Then he said to him “Because you have not obeyed the voice of the Lord surely as soon as you depart from me a lion shall kill you.” And as soon as he left him a lion found him and killed him.

   YLT  36and he saith to him `Because that thou hast not hearkened to the voice of Jehovah lo thou art going from me and the lion hath smitten thee;' and he goeth from him and the lion findeth him and smiteth him.

Then said he unto him because thou hast not obeyed the voice of the Lord .... In not smiting him; which if he was a prophet he must know how great an evil it was to disregard or disobey what was said by a prophet in his name; he must be inexcusable:

behold as soon as thou art departed from me a lion shall slay thee.

And as soon as he was departed from him a lion found him and slew him; which may seem severe yet being an act of disobedience to the command of God by a prophet of his was punishable with death.


1 Kings 20:37   37 And he found another man and said “Strike me please.” So the man struck him inflicting a wound.

   YLT  37And he findeth another man and saith `Smite me I pray thee;' and the man smiteth him smiting and wounding

Then he found another man and said smite me I pray thee .... This is not said to be his neighbour nor one of the sons of the prophets but a rustic man and so stuck not to take him at his word:

and the man smote him so that in smiting he wounded him; in his face; made some incision in his flesh broke the skin and fetched blood of him; perhaps somewhere about his eyes by what follows: this he got done to him that he might look like a wounded soldier and thereby get the more easily to the speech of Ahab.


1 Kings 20:38   38 Then the prophet departed and waited for the king by the road and disguised himself with a bandage over his eyes.

   YLT  38and the prophet goeth and standeth for the king on the way and disguiseth himself with ashes on his eyes.

So the prophet departed and waited for the king by the way .... As he went from Aphek the place where the battle had been fought to Samaria his royal seat:

and disguised himself with ashes upon his face; the Targum is he covered his eyes with a vail or piece of cloth which he wrapped about his head as men do when they have got a wound or bruise in such a part which seems very probable; for had he besmeared his face with ashes clay or dust or any such thing he could not so easily have got it off as in 1 Kings 20:41.


1 Kings 20:39   39 Now as the king passed by he cried out to the king and said “Your servant went out into the midst of the battle; and there a man came over and brought a man to me and said ‘Guard this man; if by any means he is missing your life shall be for his life or else you shall pay a talent of silver.’

   YLT  39And it cometh to pass -- the king is passing by -- that he hath cried unto the king and saith `Thy servant went out into the midst of the battle and lo a man hath turned aside and bringeth in unto me a man and saith Keep this man; if he be at all missing then hath thy life been for his life or a talent of silver thou dost weigh out;

And as the king passed by he cried unto the king .... With a loud voice signifying he had something to say unto him at which he stopped:

and he said thy servant went out into the midst of the battle; this was not real but fictitious an apologue fable or parable by which he would represent to Ahab his own case and bring him under conviction of his folly just as Nathan dealt with David:

and behold a man turned aside; a superior officer in the army:

and brought a man unto me; he had made a prisoner of:

and said keep this man; do not let him escape:

if by any means he be missing then shall thy life be for his life or else thou shalt pay a talent of silver; if he let him go willingly or by any means he should get out of his hands then he should either die for it or be fined a talent of silver which of our money is three hundred and seventy five pounds; and to this it seems he agreed.


1 Kings 20:40   40 While your servant was busy here and there he was gone.” Then the king of Israel said to him “So shall your judgment be; you yourself have decided it.

   YLT  40and it cometh to pass thy servant is working hither and thither and he is not!' and the king of Israel saith unto him Right [is] thy judgment; thou hast determined [it].'

And as thy servant was busy here and there he was gone .... Employed in one thing or another relative to the battle his prisoner committed to his care made his escape:

and the king of Israel said unto him so shall thy judgment be thyself hast decided it; the sentence was plain and open against him that either he must die or pay the money for he himself had agreed to it.


1 Kings 20:41   41 And he hastened to take the bandage away from his eyes; and the king of Israel recognized him as one of the prophets.

   YLT  41And he hasteth and turneth aside the ashes from off his eyes and the king of Israel discerneth him that he [is] of the prophets

And he hasted and took away the ashes from his face .... Took off the linen cloth from his eyes unveiled or unmasked himself:

and the king of Israel discerned him that he was of the prophets; he knew him again having seen him once or twice before; otherwise there could be nothing in his face that could discover him to be a prophet rather he was to be known by his habit.


1 Kings 20:42   42 Then he said to him “Thus says the Lord: ‘Because you have let slip out of your hand a man whom I appointed to utter destruction therefore your life shall go for his life and your people for his people.’”

   YLT  42and he saith unto him `Thus said Jehovah Because thou hast sent away the man I devoted out of [thy] hand even thy life hath been for his life and thy people for his people;'

And he said unto him thus saith the Lord .... He spake not his own sense and in his own words but in the name of the Lord for which he had authority that it might have the greater weight with Ahab:

because thou hast let go out of thy hand a man whom I appointed to utter destruction; meaning Benhadad; or "the man of my anathema or curse"F23איש חרמי "vir anathematis mei" Montanus Piscator. ; cursed of God for his blasphemy of him and devoted by him to ruin on that account; or "of my net"F24"Vir retis mei"; so some in Vatablus. being by his providence brought into a net or noose at Aphek out of which he could not have escaped had not Ahab let him go:

therefore thy life shall go for his life; as it shortly did and that by the hand of a Syrian soldier 1 Kings 22:34

and thy people for his people; which was fulfilled by Hazael king of Syria the sins of Israel rendering them deserving of the calamities they endured by his means see 2 Kings 8:12.


1 Kings 20:43   43 So the king of Israel went to his house sullen and displeased and came to Samaria.

   YLT  43and the king of Israel goeth unto his house sulky and wroth and cometh in to Samaria.

And the king of Israel went to his house heavy and displeased .... With the prophet for what he had said and with himself for what he had done in letting Benhadad go; the Targum is he was

"troubled and grieved '

not so much for the sin he had committed as for the punishment of it on him and his people:

and came to Samaria; with a heavy heart for the message of the prophet had spoiled the joy of his victory.


──John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible