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Romans Chapter Two


I. Content of the Chapter


The Jews Are Also Under the Judgment of God

A.   The principle of the judgment of God:

1.    Who judges according to the truth (v.1-4);

2.    Who judges according to the righteousness (v.5-11);

3.    Who judges according to the law (v.12-13);

4.    Who judges according to the work of the law written in men’s hearts (v.14-15);

5.    Who judges according to men’s attitudes towards Jesus Christ (v.16);

B.   The Jews cannot escape from the judgment of God:

1.    They have the knowledge of the law in vain but break the law themselves (v.17-24).

2.    They have the circumcision in the flesh but no reality of the circumcision within their hearts (v.25-29).


II. Verse by Verse commentary


Rom. 2:1 Therefore you are inexcusable O man whoever you are who judge for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.

YLT: “Therefore thou art inexcusable O man -- every one who is judging -- for in that in which thou dost judge the other thyself thou dost condemn for the same things thou dost practise who art judging ”

Meaning of Words: “judge” distinguish try condemn punish; “inexcusable”: cannot be forgiven; “condemn”: judge against;

The background: the Jews often thought that they were exceptionally gifted the right and status by God and were greatly favored by God so they could not be mentioned in the same breath with the nations. They said “God only loves the people of Israel among all the nations on the whole earth”; “God judges the Gentiles with one standard and judges the Jews with the other one”; “all the people of Israel have part in the world in the future”; “Abraham will sit at the gate of the hell and prevent the Israel who have sins from going in”.

Literal Meaning: “therefore…you are who judge” the word “therefore” shows that it takes up the conclusion of the last chapter.

  “You” especially refers to the Jews (v.17). Since the Jews always felt that they were specially blessed by God they judged and despised the Gentiles and thought that the Gentiles did not know the principles of God and lived an immoral life. Paul firstly mentioned in chapter one that the Gentiles were condemned by God and then in this chapter he listed the Jews also in the sphere that was condemned by God.

  “Judge” it is the same word as “judge” in verse 12 and 26. God gives the standard and power of judgment to men in order to let men judge whether the things are wrong or right by them not “judge hypocritically”.

  “In whatever you judge another you condemn yourself” this is the first reason why we cannot judge others. The standard of judgment on others should also be applied on ourselves.

“For you who judge practice the same things” this is the second reason why we cannot judge others. If our own conduct is not better than others we certainly have no right to judge others.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    God gives man the ability of judgment with the purpose of judging himself and regulating himself not judging others.

2)    Man is fond of judging others by nature. Because when judging others one can reveal his being right by condemning others’ wrong. However it is mostly hated by God and will be judged by God’s truth.

3)    Our judgment on others today will condemn ourselves in the future. If we fear to be judged by God we shall forbid us from judging others.


Rom. 2:2 But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things.

YLT: “and we have known that the judgment of God is according to truth upon those practising such things.”

Meaning of Words: “truth”: reality verity;

Literal Meaning: “we know” Paul often used such expression thinking that the authors would agree with what he would say later (see Rom. 3:19; 7:14; 8:22 28; 1Cor. 8:1 4; 2Cor. 5:1; 1Tim. 1:8).

  “The judgment of God is according to truth” it has three meanings:

1)    Truth means reality. God judges everyone according to his real condition before God.

2)    God’s word is truth (John 12:48). God judges everyone according to His word.

3)    Jesus Christ is truth (John 14:6). God judges everyone according to Jesus Christ ---- whether a man has received Jesus Christ to be his Savior will decide whether he can be delivered from God’s judgment.

Enlightenment in the Word: 

1)    The real condition of a man does not lie in his deeds but in his words (judgment).

2)    Not only do men in the world often commit the error of only being able to say but unable to walk but also the religionists (Matt. 23:3). Especially the leading brothers in the assembly who mostly like to criticize or judge others practice the same things. They can escape from the judgment of men but cannot escape from the judgment of God for God judges according to the truth.

3)    Men’s judgment is often according to unilateral uncertain and indirect proof but God’s judgment is according to the truth. Therefore we shall be very careful to avoid making blind judgment before knowing all the facts.

4)    In the assembly if we want to judge a man or thing we shall pray for God to receive revelation and enlightenment of God (1Cor. 4:4-5).

5)    One should take responsibility for the truth that he has known and need not to take responsibility for what he has not known. We should learn that the purpose of knowing the truth is to practice the truth not increase the knowledge.

6)    The judgment of God is right and just judgment. Only God’s judgment is reliable for He knows the reality of all things. He can judge according to the truth without any fault.


Rom. 2:3 And do you think this O man you who judge those practicing such things and doing the same that you will escape the judgment of God?

YLT: “And dost thou think this O man who art judging those who such things are practising and art doing them that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?”

Literal Meaning: “practice” means general practice and “do” refers to deliberate doings which are the habitual works of sins (see 1John 3:4).

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    A man usually tends to cover his own faults by judging others and justify himself by criticizing others. In the sight of God man is weighted by his “doings” not his “words”.

2)    Any one who knows only to judge others but not judge himself does not know examine himself and change his conduct so that he can only see mote in the eye of his brother but cannot observe the beam in his own eye (Matt. 7:3). Such man cannot escape the judgment of God.

3)    Though a hypocritically godly man have apparent righteous appearance and condemn the evil doings of others he cannot escape the judgment of God.

4)    God has given all judgment to Christ (John 5:22) in the universe. The standard of God’s judgment is Christ appointed by God (Acts. 17:31). Therefore if one dares to judge others according to his self-righteousness he has violated Christ’s authority in God’s administration and overstepped Christ’s authority in God’s predestination. He can by no means “escape” the “righteous judgment of God” “according to the truth” (v.2 3 5).


Rom. 2:4 Or do you despise the riches of His goodness forbearance and longsuffering not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?

YLT: “or the riches of His goodness and forbearance and long-suffering dost thou despise? -- not knowing that the goodness of God doth lead thee to reformation!”

Meaning of Words: “despise”: think against disesteem; “goodness”: gentleness kindness; “forbearance”: self-restraint tolerance hold oneself up against put up with;

Literal Meaning: “or do you despise the riches of His goodness forbearance and longsuffering” “goodness” refers to God’s attitude toward men not toward sin. “Forbearance” in the original means the both sides in a fight have temporarily ceased fighting and wait for the surrender of the enemy. God has not executed His judgment immediately for He hopes that men can ultimately repent and turn back. “Longsuffering” a long breath; it means God deeply sighs for men’s unwillingness of repentance bears and forbears and still not judges. He signs deeply and forbears again. “Forbearance” refers to things and “longsuffering” is towards men.

“Not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?” ---- The purpose of God who gives His goodness is to give men chance of repentance (see 2Pet. 3:9). The Jews misunderstood God’s forbearance thinking that God was unwilling to judge.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    He who specially condemns others may also know he has also committed the same sins. However he boasts his peculiar position and God’s special grace on him so he supposes God may treat him with different attitudes. Such idea is despising God’s goodness.

2)    Of course God has really given preferential treatment to His elect so that they can enjoy God’s abundant grace in this age. However such status cannot deliver them from the impending righteous judgment of God. Today God had not immediately come to call to account with us because He hopes that all of us shall repent in the riches of His goodness forbearance and longsuffering (we believers must also repent and confess our sins ---- see 1John 1:8-10).

3)    It is not God’s judgment but God’s goodness that brings men to repentance. We shall love believers in the church who have committed sins for love can cover many sins (1Pet. 4:8).

4)    God shows His goodness by His provision protection and taking care of in order to bring men to repentance. He “does not wish that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2Pet. 3:9).

5)    If a man’s mind has been changed (“repentance” means the change of one’s mind) his attitude will also be changed and finally his actions will thus be changed. Therefore every new turning point of every man is started from his heart.


Rom. 2:5 But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God

YLT: “but according to thy hardness and impenitent heart thou dost treasure up to thyself wrath in a day of wrath and of the revelation of the righteous judgment of God ”

Meaning of Words: “hardness”: induration (a medical word such as “arterial sclerosis”);

Literal Meaning: “but in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart” it is an expression of hardness and impenitency that one judges others without examining himself and shifts his attention to others.

 “You are treasuring up for yourself wrath” it suggests the degree of God’s punishments on a man is according to the condition of his sins that are treasured up.

“In the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God” it refers to the day of the ultimate judgment of God. When God finally judges on the great white throne (Rev. 20:11) he is absolutely righteous. Here it indicates that the second principle of God’s judgment is according to His righteousness.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    God is a God who judges all men in the world. He must judge the world according to the same principle ---- His righteousness justice and there is no partiality with God. There is no man or race that has privilege before judgment-seat of God.

2)    Though Paul spoke these words to the Jews (see the commentary of verse one) in this chapter the principles can also be applied in believers. We shall not think that the wrath of God is only upon the believing Jews. If we are stumbled after we have believed the Lord and we still hard and impenitent in our hearts though we will never perish because of this we cannot escape the judgment of God (see Rom. 11:20-22).

3)    “Repentance” is the only way of avoiding the judgment and wrath of God. He who does not repent will surely be under the wrath of God.


Rom. 2:6 who "will render to each one according to his deeds":

YLT: “who shall render to each according to his works;”

Literal Meaning: this verse indicates that the judgment of God is in accordance with men’s “deeds”. Here every certain person is emphasized. 

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    Everyone has to take responsibility for his own deeds. Except for the redemption of Christ no one can find another one (even the closest one) to replace him.

2)    Though we believer have been justified by faith faith without works is dead (James 2:17). A living faith will produce the works that is worthy of the faith. Therefore after we have been saved we shall still seek the works out of faith (see Eph. 2:10; James 2:22).

3)    Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap (Gal. 6:7).


Rom. 2:7 eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory honor and immortality;

YLT: “to those indeed who in continuance of a good work do seek glory and honour and incorruptibility -- life age-during;”

Literal Meaning: “continuance in doing good” note that it by no means indicates that one can be saved by works. Paul does not teach men to be justified by works but emphasizes that God does justice to both the Jews and the Gentiles (see Acts. 10:34-35). “In doing good” it has the meanings as follows:

1)    “Believing” Jesus Christ sent by God (see John 6:28-29);

2)    “Good works” after one has believed the Lord (Eph. 2:10);

3)    “Seek for glory honor and immortality”;

“Seek for glory honor and immortality” “glory” refers to the manifestation of God (see John 5:44); “honor” means the holy things of God (see 2Tim. 2:20-21; 1Pet. 2:9); “immortality” pertains to heavenly inheritance (see 1Pet. 1:4). There are all that we have to diligently seek after we have believed the Lord.

  “Eternal life to” “eternal life” does not only mean existing without no end but also refers to the quality of life the life of God.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    All those who “continue to … seek” Christ are “doing good” and will surely obtain “the eternal life” in the end.

2)    Men’s “good works” must be produced from faith so that they will have real effect before God (see Gal. 5:6).

3)    Our “doings” manifest our “being”. Our being decides our “doings”. On the contrary if there are problems with our doings it shows that our “being” goes wrong.

4)    One is good namely God (Matt. 19:17). Glory is God and honor is God and immortality is God Himself. The eternal value comes from seeking God Himself.


Rom. 2:8 but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness--indignation and wrath

YLT: “and to those contentious and disobedient indeed to the truth and obeying the unrighteousness -- indignation and wrath ”

Meaning of Words: “self-seeking”: contention strife;

Literal Meaning: “to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness” “self-seeking” it means that those who are ruled by selfishness are gathered together with the attitude of being against the truth not the attitude of believing and obeying the truth.

“Indignation and wrath” “indignation” and ‘wrath” are different ---- the former is towards “things” and the latter is towards “men”.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    Whatever a man seeks that shall he receive. He who seeks goodness will be rewarded with good (v.7). He who seeks evil shall be rewarded with evil.

2)    He who does evil things not only practices them himself but also has fellow delight in those who do (Rom. 1:32). Both of them are of the same ilk who colludes with one another. This is the main reason for self-seeking.

3)    Men firstly did not obey God and strived with God finally they became self-seeking. Any division in the church seems to be caused by dissension among men. However the real reason is disobedience to God.


Rom. 2:9 tribulation and anguish on every soul of man who does evil of the Jew first and also of the Greek;

YLT: “tribulation and distress upon every soul of man that is working the evil both of Jew first and of Greek;”

Literal Meaning: “tribulation and anguish on every soul of man who does evil” “tribulation” refers more to the difficulty in the external environment; “anguish” refers to the feeling in one’s inner heart. “Every” means no one is of exception. “Does evil” it refers to those “who do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness” in the previous verse.

“Of the Jew first and also of the Greek” “the Jews” are the elect of God. “The Greek” pertains to all the Gentiles. This verse shows that God’s reward has its order just like the order of God’s salvation (Rom. 1:16).

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    If men have “the wicked hearts of unbelief” (Heb. 3:12) there will be wicked works and thus become “wicked men”. If men’s hearts to God are not upright it will be naturally manifested in their evil works.

2)    “The Jews” can be interpreted as all those who are near God including believers. “The Greek” represents all the Gentiles who do not believe the Lord. The judgment begins from the house of God (1Pet. 4:17). God’s reward will start from those who are near God then those who do not know God. No one is of exception for there is no partiality with God and He neither cares for any one nor regards men's person (Matt. 22:16). Therefore we believers shall be more watchful.

3)    Spiritual responsibility comes from spiritual right (see Amos 3:2). And to every one to whom much has been given by God much shall be required from him; and to whom have committed much they will ask from him the more (Luke 12:48).


Rom. 2:10 but glory honor and peace to everyone who works what is good to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

YLT: “and glory and honour and peace to every one who is working the good both to Jew first and to Greek.”

Literal Meaning: “but glory honor and peace to everyone who works what is good” “glory” and “honor” please see the commentary of verse 7. “Peace” is a condition that Christ is enjoyed by men.


Rom. 2:11 For there is no partiality with God.

YLT: “For there is no acceptance of faces with God ”

Literal Meaning: “there is no partiality with God” it is that “there is no acceptance of faces with God” in the original. “Partiality” is an unjust treatment or judgment by replacing or destroying one’s reality with the appearance.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    Men’s judgment varies with each individual. One may pick fault with those whom he does not like but turn a blind eye to the faults of those whom he likes. This is partiality for men.

2)    Since the God we believe is a God with whom there is no partiality we shall show no partiality to each other in the church (James 2:1). How we treat with our brothers is an important mark that whether our faith is real (James 2:14-17).

3)    There is no partiality with God and the children of God shall also be of no partiality ---- he who treats with himself loosely or draws near unto himself and treat with others strictly ---- we should not have such mind.


Rom. 2:12 For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law

YLT: “for as many as without law did sin without law also shall perish and as many as did sin in law through law shall be judged ”

Literal Meaning: “will also perish without law” it does not mean that they will not perish but that they will not perish according to the regulations in the Old Testament but according to other principles of judgment (see v.14-15).

“Will be judged by the law” the purpose that God established the law was judgment. Whatever the law says it says to those who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God (Rom. 3:19).

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    Sin exists. The most important is whether there is the fact of sin not whether there are regulations of the law.

2)    God’s judgment is according to the measure of men that has been enlightened by God. To the Jews it is according to the law. To the Gentiles it is according to conscience. And to every one to whom much has been given by God much shall be required from him; and to whom have committed much they will ask from him the more.


Rom. 2:13 (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God but the doers of the law will be justified;

YLT: “for not the hearers of the law righteous before God but the doers of the law shall be declared righteous: --”

Literal Meaning: God made the laws for His elect in order to let them keep and be justified (Deut. 6:24-25) not let them hear or read only (Deut. 6:4-9).

  “But the doers of the law will be justified” “be justified” it means that one is pronounced innocent by God on the Day of Judgment.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    He who can only heart but not do the law will not be justified like those who have never heard the law. What counts is not only the capacity of the word of God but also the inconsistency with our actual walk according to the word that we have known (Matt. 7:24-27).

2)    Many believers like to take part in the gathering for the sake of hearing the sermon but do not like to partake in the gather for the purpose of keeping the word.

3)    All the evangelists who show disregard for doing the word preach the word for the sake of preaching the word only and all believers who hear for the purpose of hearing will be the same as the Athenians “who tell and to hear the news” (Acts. 17:21).


Rom. 2:14 for when Gentiles who do not have the law by nature do the things in the law these although not having the law are a law to themselves

YLT: “For when nations that have not a law by nature may do the things of the law these not having a law -- to themselves are a law;”

Literal Meaning: “by nature do the things in the law” “nature” it refers to the inherent good nature of man. God created Man in his image (Gen. 1:26-27). Therefore when man was created his nature was upright (Rom. 7:29). Later though man fell the good nature still remained in him and asked man to do good (namely “do the things in the law”).

“These are a law to themselves” the work of the law is written in the hearts of the Gentiles that have no law (v.15). Therefore things done in the law by nature are a law to themselves.


Rom. 2:15 who show the work of the law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them)

YLT: “who do shew the work of the law written in their hearts their conscience also witnessing with them and between one another the thoughts accusing or else defending ”

Meaning of Words: “conscience”: co- perception moral consciousness; “accusing”: to be a plaintiff to charge with some offence; “excusing”: to give an account (legal plea) of oneself exculpate (self);

Literal Meaning: “who show the work of the law written in their hearts” note that it is not the law itself but “the work of the law” ---- which makes man know the nature of evil and good by nature.

“Their conscience also bearing witness” if man does goodness by nature he will have peace in his conscience. Otherwise the conscience will condemn him and will feel unrest. 

“And between themselves their thoughts” it means men’s rationality in their thoughts. “Thoughts” refers to men’s thoughts.

“Accusing or else excusing them)” men’s thoughts (or men’s rationality) also has the ability of judgment. If men ponder with their thoughts they will also be able to judge what they have done are right or wrong.

Men’s nature and conscience and thoughts manifest the work of the law written in men. God shall judge the Gentiles who do not have the law in the future according to this work in them.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    God judges according to the degree and condition that men have been enlightened (see v.13-15). To whom has committed much God will ask from the one the more. The standard to the Jews is high ---- it is according to the law. The standard to the Gentiles is low ---- it is according to their conscience. The Jews shall be judged in light of the law given by God (v.12) and the Gentiles shall be judged in light of their “conscience” (v.15).

2)    We Gentiles cannot escape God’s judgment because of being ignorant of the Jewish law for our conscience will point out our sins. However thanks the Lord! His precious blood has cleansed our conscience (Heb. 9:14) so that we can live before God with a clear conscience.

3)    In the judgment that is about to come before God everyone will be accused by his own conscience. Men pay more attention to outward actions but God looks upon more men’s inner hearts. The fault of hearts is more serious than that in our actions. Men’s sins in heart are more than that in actions.

4)    There will be a right or wrong feeling behind an action or idea of men. However conscience is not the ultimate arbitrator. Man’s conscience may be restrained twisted numbed or be excessively cautious. However man should pay attention to the warning of conscience when there is no clear proof of what is right or wrong.

5)    In normal situation men that are created God should be able to make judgments in a “fair and reasonable and lawful” way. However after men’s fall they can only give consideration to personal relationship rather than rationality or law.


Rom. 2:16 in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.

YLT: “in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men according to my good news through Jesus Christ.”

Literal Meaning: “in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ” it refers to the “day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God” in verse 5. God appoints the Lord Jesus to execute the judgment (Acts. 17:31) in God’s judgment that is about to come. “Secrets” refer to the unexposed sinful cases sins unknown by the people sins that have not been judged as well as sinful motivations and thoughts.

“According to my gospel” Christ judges men according to men’s attitude towards the gospel ---- whether men have received the gospel i.e. whether men have received Christ Himself.

This verse unveils that in the Day of Judgment there are three aspects of testimony will condemn us: (a) Jesus Christ; (b) secrets; (c) God’s gospel (God’s words).

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    The light of sun and that of lamp vary in their power and the effects of their illumination are different. Therefore the capacity of Men’s conscience is as the lamp but the Lord Jesus is as bright as the sun that can reveal men’s secrets.

2)    Men judges according to the letters of the law and the object is the outward actions. God judges according to “Jesus Christ” and the object is the “secrets” in one’s spirit.

3)    All that men have done in their thoughts and actions no matter they are obvious or hidden will be seen by God. Nothing can be hidden before God (Luke 8:17).

4)    Remember that God searches men’s hearts in secret. Therefore we shall always be answerable and faithful to God. We must neither do for the sake of men nor be answerable to men only.

5)    Since believers have received Jesus as the Savior He dwells in believers (Gal. 2:20). This indwelling Christ has become the living law in us (Heb. 8:10; 10:16) namely the law of the Spirit of life (Rom. 8:2). Believers have magnified the Lord if they walk according to this law. Otherwise God will require it.

6)    If a patient clearly knows a certain specific medicine can cure his disease but he still refuses to take that medicine and just ruins himself. He has to take responsibility for himself. The gospel is the specific medicine curing man’s disease (sin) in spirit. If man refuses to receive the gospel he just has only himself to blame.


Rom. 2:17 Indeed you are called a Jew and rest on the law and make your boast in God

YLT: “Lo thou art named a Jew and dost rest upon the law and dost boast in God ”

The Background: the Jewish men began to receive the teaching of the law at age five and learned the law. At age thirteen they became the sons of the law who had to be answerable to the law and take the moral responsibility.

Literal Meaning: “indeed you are called a Jew” obviously the word in this chapter refers to the sins of the Jews.

“And rest on the law” “rest on the law” it means that the Jews boast their law thinking that the law makes them different from the nations (see Ps. 147:19-20). However the function of the law was not to let man have reliance but to make man have the knowledge of sin.

“And make your boast in God” the Jews hold that the God they worship is the only true God and others gods the nation worship are false gods.

Spiritual Meaning: if we compare the Jews with Christians and the law with God’s word this verse can also be interpreted like this: (a) we are in the name of Christians (are called the Jews); (b) we can rely on the Bible (rely on the law); (c) we can boast God.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    Christians are blessedly gifted the status of the children of God and also have the word of God to be our guidance of our life. However if our conduct is not different from men in the world it will be the additional proof of our condemnation.

2)    God Himself and God’s word are given to us to have enjoyment not to show off our distinction from others. The real difference of Christians between men in the world is not the external slogan but the internal reality of life namely the condition of life from the enjoyment of God’s word to the natural manifestation of life.


Rom. 2:18 and know His will and approve the things that are excellent being instructed out of the law

YLT: “and dost know the will and dost approve the distinctions being instructed out of the law ”

Literal Meaning: “being instructed out of the law” the Jews have been instructed out of the law and know how to serve God in light of the law.

“And know His will” it does not mean that the Jews have “really” known the will of God but that they know “more” about the will of God than men in the world.

“And approve the things that are excellent” the meaning in the original lays particular stress on the positive aspect. It indicates that the Jews have better discernment of approving and choosing the things that are excellent than men in the world.

Spiritual Meaning: if we Christians apply this verse on us there will be two meanings as follows: (a) we can know the will of God for we have the teaching of the word of God; (b) we can approve the things that are excellent.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    Christians should search the Bible diligently so as to know more about the will of God. But what is more important is to keep the will of God.

2)    The Lord bestows us the ability of discernment to make us prove all things and hold fast the right and hold aloof from every form of wickedness (1Thess. 5:21-22).

3)    Whatsoever things true whatsoever things noble whatsoever things just whatsoever things pure whatsoever things amiable whatsoever things of good report; if any virtue and if any praise think on these things and do them (Phil. 4:8-9).


Rom. 2:19 and are confident that you yourself are a guide to the blind a light to those who are in darkness

YLT: “and hast confidence that thou thyself art a leader of blind ones a light of those in darkness ”

Literal Meaning: “and are confident that you yourself are a guide to the blind” “the blind” refers to the Gentiles who do not know God because the god of this world has blinded the thoughts of them (see 2Cor. 4:4). “Guide” refers to the Jews who think they know the true God so they know the way of God.

“A light to those who are in darkness” “those who are in darkness” refer to the Gentiles who are “blind” inside and are in “darkness” outside (see Matt. 4:15-16). “Light” refers to the Jews.

Spiritual Meaning: as for our Christians this verse means: (a) Christians may regard those who do not believe the Lord in the world as blind men and are confident that they are men with opened eyes to those who do not believe; (b) Christians may think that those who do not believe the Lord are living in darkness and they themselves are the light in the world.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    If we are really men with opened eyes we shall bring blind men (men in the world) to know God. But if we do not know clearly about the way of God it will be that a blind leads a blind and both fall into ditch (Luke 6:39).

2)    The light of the truth will be shining if the light is ignited. If we are unwilling to pay the cost or deny ourselves we cannot illuminate others.


Rom. 2:20 an instructor of the foolish a teacher of babes having the form of knowledge and truth in the law.

YLT: “an instructor of foolish ones a teacher of babes having the form of the knowledge and of the truth in the law.”

Meaning of Words: “the foolish”: mindless stupid ignorant; “instructor”: trainer discipliner; “teacher”: instructor; “form”: formation semblance formula;

Literal Meaning: “an instructor of the foolish a teacher of babes” “the foolish” emphasizes one’s mindlessness; “instructor” it contains the meaning of instructing others in conduct of life by setting himself as an examples; “babes” who refer to those who are insufficient in learning (see Eph. 4:14); “teacher” who focuses on the teaching concerning knowledge.

“Having the form of knowledge and truth in the law” “form” it refers to the vivid appearance or the concrete expression of the image (see Phil. 2:6-7). This part of the verse means that they have obtained considerable attainments in the knowledge of the law and have held the outlines of the truth.

Spiritual Meaning: we Christians may think in us: (a) the Gentiles that do not believe are foolish and need our teaching; (b) the Gentiles that do not believe are as immature and superficial as babes and need our guidance and help; (c) we have already obtained spiritual knowledge and truth and have reached into quite great scale.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    The difficulty in the church today lies in the large number of instructors who teach the letters and knowledge and yet the small one of witnesses who set themselves examples to others by practicing God’s word personally and then teach them to know the truth.

2)    How many are the evangelists who can only speak but not walk! However we shall not despise what that have spoken (1Thess. 5:20). If they can cut in a straight line the word of truth we shall still be sober and keep the word but not emulate their deeds (see Matt. 23:3).


Rom. 2:21 You therefore who teach another do you not teach yourself? You who preach that a man should not steal do you steal?

YLT: “Thou then who art teaching another thyself dost thou not teach?”

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    Christians can not only commit the sins that are literally mentioned by Paul here (e.g. the renowned evangelist on TV appropriates the funds or commits the adultery and etc.) that the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles but also commit the spiritual stealing ---- supposing that gain is godliness (1Tim. 6:6).

2)    How easy that those who know God and God’s word regard them as the “favorite sons” of God and think that God may treat them with more kindness than others.


Rom. 2:22 You who say "Do not commit adultery " do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols do you rob temples?

YLT: “thou who art preaching not to steal dost thou steal? thou who art saying not to commit adultery dost thou commit adultery? thou who art abhorring the idols dost thou rob temples?”

Literal Meaning: “You who abhor idols do you rob temples?” ---- The Jews did not worship idols but they stole the substances in the temple. At that time it was rich in the temple and the Jews often stole the idols as golden or silver (Acts 19:37). In the Bible such golden and silver are regarded as filthy and abominable (Deut. 7:25-26). They had fallen into filth and abomination and made God be blasphemed because of this (v.24)

Enlightenment in the Word: Christians may also love the present age (2Tim. 4:10) and commit the spiritual adultery. They also often uphold the Lord’s servants beyond the things which are written in the Scriptures (1Cor. 4:6) but they have just made spiritual idols.


Rom. 2:23 You who make your boast in the law do you dishonor God through breaking the law?

YLT: “thou who in the law dost boast through the transgression of the law God dost thou dishonour?”

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    The sin will be more serious if one goes against the law as he has known the law.

2)    If one makes his boast in the law but has not done the law he has violated the honor of the law. If we Christians only boast the goodness of the Bible but do not keep the teachings therein we have just dishonored God.


Rom. 2:24 For "the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you " as it is written.

YLT: “for the name of God because of you is evil spoken of among the nations according as it hath been written.”

Literal Meaning: “as it is written” it is quoted from the Book of Isaiah (52:5).


Rom. 2:25 For circumcision is indeed profitable if you keep the law; but if you are a breaker of the law your circumcision has become uncircumcision.

YLT: “For circumcision indeed doth profit if law thou mayest practice but if a transgressor of law thou mayest be thy circumcision hath become uncircumcision.”

Literal Meaning: “circumcision is indeed profitable” “circumcision” it was the sign of the covenant that God had made with the Israel (see Lev.12:3) as well as the proof of being blessed in the covenant (see Gen. 17:10-11). The Jews afterwards thought that circumcision was the guarantee that God pleased them. 

  “Your circumcision has become uncircumcision” there are three points that the Jews boast of: (a) they have God (v.17); (b) they have the law (v.18); (c) they have circumcision (v.25). However they have rebelled against God and violated the law of God. Therefore it is vain that they have only the form of circumcision outside.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    Men have the common fault that they often cannot make good use of good things in life but misuse or misunderstand them.

2)    Today we Christians should not pay attention to the apparent form of all the godly signs (e.g. the cover and etc.) while ignoring the spiritual reality.


Rom. 2:26 Therefore if an uncircumcised man keeps the righteous requirements of the law will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision?

YLT: “If therefore the uncircumcision the righteousness of the law may keep shall not his uncircumcision for circumcision be reckoned?”

Literal Meaning: this verse may refer to the Gentile believers.


Rom. 2:27 And will not the physically uncircumcised if he fulfills the law judge you who even with your written code and circumcision are a transgressor of the law?

YLT: “and the uncircumcision by nature fulfilling the law shall judge thee who through letter and circumcision a transgressor of law.”

Literal Meaning: Paul here takes the circumcision on behalf of the outward written code and the fulfillment of the law on behalf of the inward reality. He means: if one has reality inside the written code will be profitable to him; but if one has no reality inside the written code will be of nothing and of vanity. On the contrary if those who do not know the written code have the spiritual reality they have not only fulfilled the written code but will also judge those who have the written code without reality.


Rom. 2:28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh;

YLT: “For he is not a Jew who is outwardly neither circumcision that which is outward in flesh;”

Meaning of Words: “outwardly”: apparent;

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    Men in the world judge others according to the appearance (John 8:15) and boast others according to the countenance (2Cor. 5:12). However God proves men’s hearts (1Thess. 2:4). Spiritual appearance shall not be counted by God before Him. Only the inner spiritual reality shall be blessed by Him.

2)    Today many Christians focus on the outward reputation and works but ignore the inner reality having a form of piety but denying the power of it (2Tim. 3:5).


Rom. 2:29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart in the Spirit not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.

YLT: “but a Jew he who is inwardly and circumcision of the heart in spirit not in letter of which the praise is not of men but of God.”

Meaning of Words: “inward”: hidden private;

Literal Meaning: there are several apparent contrasts in verse 28 and 29 ---- outwardly and inwardly the Spirit and the letter as well as men and God. What men focus on is the outward letter but God focuses on the inward spirit. God accepts what is done inwardly not outwardly. God looks upon the heart not the outward appearance. Only those who do inwardly and have the inward spiritual reality shall pass the judgment of God thus obtaining the praise of God.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    What have been done outwardly ---- let others him one praying offering and fasting on purpose ---- are not true. Only what have been done in private are true. Because all those who do outwardly and purposefully let others see them are not true. Only those who do in private are true.

2)    All that imitate others and copy others are done outwardly not inwardly. All that can be done without burden or feeling within without the provision of the inner life without the power of life without prayer without the fellowship with God are also done outwardly not inwardly. Only that have been done inwardly are the service of the New Testament.

3)    In God’s sight “he is not … who is … outwardly; but he is … who is … inwardly”. “In the Spirit not in the letter”; all those who pay attention to “outwardly” ---- the number of believers the completion of fellow-works the orderliness of things the “keeping” of the truth and etc. ---- are living in the principle of the letter. They cannot bear the judgment and will surely be suffered form death. All those who pay attention to “inwardly” ---- the sovereignty of the Spirit the measure of Christ the manifestation of God the Father the reality of the church and etc. ---- are living in the principle of the Spirit. They are bound to be filled with living and full life (see 2Cor. 3:6).

4)    Religionists desire to obtain praise from both God and men. If we have received the praise of men we will not receive the praise of God (see Matt. 6:1-8; 16-18).

5)    God seeks men to “worship Him in truth and the Spirit” (John 4:23-24). However we contrarily focus on the apparent works but ignore the reality in the Spirit.


III. Outlines of the Spiritual Lessons


The Principles of Judgment

A.   Judge according to the truth:

1.    The word of men may not be true but the deeds are true (v.1-3).

2.    What is done outwardly is not true but what is done inwardly is true (v.28-29).

B.   Judge according to righteousness:

1.    The good will be rewarded and the wicked punished (v.5-8).

2.    God treats men with justice (v.9-11).

C.   Judge according to the law:

1.    As many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law (v.12).

2.    To those who do not have the law God judges them according to work of the law written in their hearts (v.14-15).

3.    To believers in the New Testament God judges according to the law (namely Christ who dwells in them) within them (v.16).


The Reason Why One Shall Not Judge Others

A.   “In whatever you judge another you condemn yourself” (v.1);

B.   “You are inexcusable for you who judge practice the same things” (v.1-2);


The Reason Why Men Cannot Escape From the Judgment of God

A.   Men who judge others practice the same things (v.1-3).

B.   Men despise the goodness of God and are in accordance with their hardness and their impenitent heart (v.4-5).

C.   Men only hear the law but not do according to the law (v.13 17-24).

D.   Men keep the outward letter only but lack the inward reality (v.25-29).


God Judges Men Through Christ

C.   God judges according to the truth (v.2) ----Christ is the truth (John 14:46)

D.   God judges according to righteousness (v.5) ---- Christ is our righteousness (1Cor. 1:30).

E.   God judges according to the one’s deeds (v.6) ---- Christ makes believers have good deeds (1John2:6).

F.    God judges according to the law (v.12) ---- Christ is the reality of the law (Col. 2:16-17).


Seven Great Principles of Judgment Upon Men

A.   According to the truth (v.2);

B.   According to the accumulative sins (v.5);

C.   According to the deeds of everyone (v.6);

D.   According to the justice ---- there is no partiality with God (v.8-11);

E.   According to the condition of one’s “doing” the law not “hearing” the law (v.13);

F.    According to the secrets of men in their hearts (v.16);

G.   According to the inward reality not the outward appearance (v.17-29);


The Results of Despising God’s Goodness (v.4-5)

A.   Man will not receive the promise of God’s grace.

B.   Man accumulates sins for himself.

C.   Man treasures up for himself wrath of God.

D.   Man waits for the righteous judgment of God.


In the Spirit not in the Letter

A.   The letter requires men to keep the law in the flesh so as to obtain the praise of God (v.17-19).

B.   The letter is outward and is done among men but has no value before God at all (v.25-28).

C.   The letter cannot change men’s real condition (v.21-24).

D.   “In the Spirit and not in the letter” it speaks of the basic principle of the salvation in the New Testament (v.28-29).

E.   All that is of the letter cannot receive the praise of God in the Day of Judgment (v.28-29).


The Reason Why the Deeds of Jews Are Inconsistent With Their Words (v.16-29)

A.   They only know to boast the law but do not know to do the law.

B.   They only know to condemn others by the law but do not know to restrict themselves by the law.

C.   They only know to increase the knowledge of the law but do not know they have violated the will of God.

D.   They only know to seek honor before men but have not known that the name of God is blasphemed.

E.   They only know to keep the letter of the law outwardly but do not know to keep the spirit in the law.

F.    They only know to rely on the law but do not know to rely on God.

G.   They only know to seek the praise of men only but do not know to obtain the praise from God.


Five Concrete Matters that the Jews Think They Have Learnt From the Law (v.17-18)

A.   They are called “the Jews”.

B.   They rely on the law.

C.   They boast of the knowledge of God ---- they boast of God.

D.   They are guided in the will of God ---- they are instructed out of the law.

E.   They know how to judge things so as to discern what is best ---- approve the things that are excellent.


Five Cases Surpassing the Gentiles in the Mind of the Pious Jews (v.19-20)

A.   A guide to the spiritual blind;

B.   A light to those who are in darkness;

C.   An instructor of the foolish;

D.   A teacher of babes;

E.   They are the form of knowledge and truth in the law;


Five Faults of the Jews (v.21-24)

A.   They teach another but do not teach themselves (v.21).

B.   They preach that a man should not steal but they steal themselves (v.21).

C.   They say "Do not commit adultery" but they commit adultery themselves (v.22).

D.   They abhor idols but they show their opposition by the unlawful way of robbing temples (v.22).

E.   They make their boast in the law but dishonor God through breaking the law (v.23-24).


── Caleb HuangChristian Digest Bible Commentary Series

   Translated by Mary Zhou