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Following God



“ Follow Me” (John 12:26) is Christ’s command after we have believed in Him. We should follow Him—

. Willingly as a sheep (John 10:27).

. Wholly as a servant (John 12:26).

. Patiently as a sufferer (1. Peter 2:21).

. Heartily as a saved one (Mark 10:52).

. Promptly as a disciple (Luke 5:11 28).

. Constantly as a loving one (John 21:20).

. Imitatingly as a child of God (Eph.5:1).

── F.E. MarshFive Hundred Bible Readings



. Whom we are to follow (11. Thess.3:7; 1.Peter 2:21).

. Why we are to follow (John 8:12).

. How we are to follow—

As believers fully like Caleb (Num.14:24).

As children affectionately like Paul (Eph.5:1; 1. Cor.4:16).

As servants obediently (John 12:26).

As sheep attentively (John 10:27).

As soldiers bravely. David’s mighty men (1. Chron.11:12).

As workers closely like Ruth (Ruth 2:8).

As cross-bearers determinedly (Mark 16:24).

As worshippers rejoicingly (Mark 11:9)

As saved ones—fesus only like Bartimaeus (Make 10:52).

As His friends willingly (Mark 15:41).

As suffering ones consistently (1. Peter 2:21).

As loved ones lovingle (1. Cor.14:1).

As apprehended ones apprehendingly (Phil.3:12).

As righteous ones righteously (1. Tim.6:11).
── F.E. Marsh
Five Hundred Bible Readings



Ⅰ. Listening to Him as our Teacher we shall be instructed by Him ( Luke 10:39).

Ⅱ. Listening to Him our Captain we shall have victory through Him (1. Timothy 6:12).

Ⅲ. Listening to Him as our Guide we shall be led safely by Him (Matt.28:19 20).

Ⅳ. Listening to Him as our Lover we shall be jealous for Him (John 14:15).

Ⅴ. Listening to Him as our Lord we shall render service to Him (John 13:13-15).

Ⅵ. Listening to Him as our Helper we shall be upheld by Him (Isaiah 41:10).

Ⅶ. Listening to Him as our Shepherd we shall follow Him (John 10:27).

── F.E. MarshFive Hundred Bible Readings