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        A few years ago young women blushed if they were embarrassed. Today they are embarrassed if they blush.



        In a schoolboy experiment some young lads put a frog in a container of water and began to heat the water very slowly. The water finally reached the boiling point and yet the frog never even attempted to jump out. Why? Because the changes in the environment were so slight and slow to occur that the frog didn’t notice them until it was too late.

        As Christians we can end up like the frog. There are changes in our moral environment that we don’t even notice have occurred. We can be dying without even noticing it!



        But one has to have an ethical base for a society. Where the prime force is impulse there is the death of ethics. America used to have ethical laws based in Jerusalem. Now they are based in Sodom and Gomorrah and civilizations rooted in Sodom and Gomorrah are destined to collapse.—The Rev. Jesse Jackson


Purpose of Morality

        Morality seems to be concerned with three things. First with fair play and harmony between individuals. Second with what might be called tidying up or harmonizing the things inside each individual. Third with the general purpose of human life as a whole; what man was made for; what course the whole fleet ought to be on; what tune the conductor of the band wants it to play.—C.S. Lewis



A few years ago young women blushed if they were embarrassed. Today they are embarrassed if they blush. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



In a schoolboy experiment some young lads put a frog in a container of water and began to heat the water very slowly. The water finally reached the boiling point and yet the frog never even attempted to jump out. Why? Because the changes in the environment were so slight and slow to occur that the frog didn’t notice them until it was too late.

As Christians we can end up like the frog. There are changes in our moral environment that we don’t even notice have occurred. We can be dying without even noticing it! ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



But one has to have an ethical base for a society. Where the prime force is impulse there is the death of ethics. America used to have ethical laws based in Jerusalem. Now they are based in Sodom and Gomorrah and civilizations rooted in Sodom and Gomorrah are destined to collapse.— The Rev. Jesse Jackson


Purpose of Morality

Morality seems to be concerned with three things. First with fair play and harmony between individuals. Second with what might be called tidying up or harmonizing the things inside each individual. Third with the general purpose of human life as a whole; what man was made for; what course the whole fleet ought to be on; what tune the conductor of the band wants it to play.— C.S. Lewis



Two brothers were getting ready to boil some eggs to color for Easter. "I'll give you a dollar if you let me break three of these on your head " said the older one. "Promise?" asked the younger. "Promise!" Gleefully the older boy broke two eggs over his brother's head. Standing stiff for fear the gooey mess would get all over him the little boy asked "When is the third egg coming?" "It's not " replied the brother. "That would cost me a dollar."

Source Unknown.



Some years ago when the news broke that Joseph Stalin's daughter had defected from Communism and Russia many people were startled. Her statement given to reporters who met her plane in New York told why she defected:

"I found it impossible to exist without God in one's heart. I came to that conclusion myself without anybody's help or preaching. That was a great change because since that moment the main dogmas of Communism lost their significance for me. I have come here to seek the self-expression that has been denied me for so long in Russia."

That woman's struggle was a terrible one. To leave Russia she had to leave two children in Moscow and realize that it would be as she said "impossible to go back."

Pascal said there is within every person a "God-shaped vacuum." He's right. Historians Will and Ariel Durant observed in their summary volume The Lessons of History that "there never has been a significant example of morality apart from belief in God."

Morning Glory February 5 1994.

What does the cheating scandal at the U.S. Naval Academy say about military honor? Last week Navy investigators reported that 81 midshipmen had obtained a copy of a 1992 engineering exam before exam day and that many of them then lied during an internal investigation some to protect classmates. Former Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Armitage who chaired a review of the academy's honor code blames the widespread cheating on the Navy's emphasis on skills like technical proficiency over character development. A 1967 Annapolis graduate Armitage notes that one point of honor is still pounded into all midshipmen from Day 1: "Never bilge (endanger) a shipmate." That credo cuts two ways says James Q. Wilson author of The Moral Sense. It explains why some midshipmen betrayed their personal honor by lying to protect their classmates; but says Wilson those same people will never let their buddies down during times of war. He adds "I wouldn't worry that this indicates a decaying moral fabric of the next generation of military officers."

U.S. News & World Report February 7 1994 p. 12.

Consider the results of a survey conducted in 1988 by the Rhode Island Rape Crisis Center. Some 1 700 students between the sixth and ninth grade attended adolescent assault awareness classes conducted in schools across the state. Each boy and girl was asked if a man should have a right to force a woman to have sexual intercourse if he had spent money on her.

The results were shocking. Nearly 25 percent of the boys and 16 percent of the girls said "yes"! Then 65 percent of the boys and 47 percent of the girls in the seventh through ninth grades said it is okay for a man to force a woman to have sex with him if they have dated for six months or longer. And 51 percent of the boys and 41 percent of the girls said a man has a right to force a woman to kiss him if he spent "a lot of money on her" -- which was defined by 12-year-olds as $10 to $15.

I must admit to being shocked by these findings and yet not really. These young students merely learned the lessons they were taught by the value-free educational system. Their teachers taught them in sex education classes that there is nothing right or wrong no standard for moral judgment. "It all depends on how you see the matter Johnny." It turns out Johnny sees it rather brutally.

Johnny's older brothers learned their lessons well too. In a classic study at UCLA Malamuth and Feshback found that 51 percent of male sophomores said they would rape a woman if they knew they would never get caught. This is the legacy of moral relativism just one generation removed.

J. Dobson & Gary Bauer Children at Risk Word 1990 pp. 258-259.

There was a time when most Americans respected the Bible and you could quote it with authority. In 1963 according to Gallup 65% believed the Bible literally; today the number is only 32%. There was a time when most Americans were familiar with biblical doctrine. You could say "Believe in Jesus " and at least they knew what you meant. But today most would be mystified. Newsweek tells of a child who saw a crucifix and asked "Mommy what's that man doing?" There was a time when most Americans accepted absolute standards. They might disagree on what those absolutes were but they knew that some things are really right or wrong. Today 70% reject moral absolutes. 

Chuck Colson Christianity Today November 9 1992 p. 112.

A recent Barna Research Group survey on what Americans believe confirms what this brief scenario illustrates: we are in danger of becoming a nation of relativists. The Barna survey asked "Is there absolute truth?" Amazingly 66 percent of American adults responded that they believe that "there is no such thing as absolute truth; different people can define truth in conflicting ways and still be correct." The figure rises to 72 percent when it comes to those between the ages of 18 and 25. 

Christianity Today October 26 1992 p. 30.

In his 1983 acceptance speech for the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion [Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn] recalled the words he heard as a child when his elders sought to explain the ruinous upheavals in Russia: "Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened." He added "If I were called upon to identify briefly the principal trait of the entire twentieth century here too I would be unable to find anything more precise and pithy than to repeat once again: 'men have forgotten God.'" 

John Wilson reviewing Solzhenitsyn and the Modern World in Christianity Today Feb 7 1994 p. 57.

Modern thinkers have rejected the very idea of objective morality: Darwin who reduced morals to an extension of animal instincts; Freud who regarded repression of impulses as the source of neurosis; Marx who disdained morality as an expression of self-interest. 

Charles Colson Christianity Today March 7 1994 p. 80.

It is no wonder that in 15 years of asking high school students throughout America whether in an emergency situation they would save their dog or a stranger first most students have answered that they would not save the stranger. "I love my dog I don't love the stranger " they always say. The feeling of love has supplanted God or religious principle as the moral guide for young people. What is right has been redefined in terms of what an individual feels. 

Dennis Prager in Good News July/Aug 1993 quoted in Christianity Today Oct 25 1993 p. 73.

Dr. Lawrence Kohlberg a Harvard psychologist has pinpointed six plateaus of moral development. Let's venture a guess as to where we're located.

Stage one: obedience and punishment. Right is what authorities command. The underlying motive is fear of punishment not respect for authority or values.

Stage two: back-scratching. When people begin to seek a return for their favors. It's the "I'll-do-for-you-but-only-if- you-reciprocate" mentality. Kohlberg terms it "the morality of the marketplace."

Stage three: conformity. Good behavior is that which pleases or helps others and is approved by them. The evaluations and expectations of peers are particularly strong.

Stage four: law-and-order. What is right is doing one's duty showing respect for authority and maintaining the given social order. What the law commands transcends all other considerations.

Stage five: social contract. Right is defined in terms of the general rights of individuals as agreed upon by the whole society (e.g. U.S. Constitution).

Stage six: universal principles. Morality is based on decisions of conscience made in accordance with self-chosen principles of "right" -- principles which are universal and consistent. 

Jon Johnston Courage - You Can Stand Strong in the Face of Fear 1990 SP Publications p. 89.

If there are no absolutes by which to judge society then society is absolute. 

Francis Schaeffer.

In South Africa naturist club owner Beau Brummell was irked by accusations from morals watchdogs that a shriveling Transvaal drought was brought on the the "sin" of nude togetherness at his 1000-acre farm. So he asked his 370 visitors to get dressed. And for the first time in two months it poured rain. "It's enough to make me become a monk!" Brummell said. 

Ingrid Norton in Rand Daily Mail Johannesburg.

"I think it's fairly obvious why I was married. As strange as it may sound I am a very moral woman. I was taught by my parents that if you fall in love if you want to have a love affair you get married. I guess I'm very old-fashioned." 

Elizabeth Taylor after seven marriages five divorces in the San Francisco Chronicle.

All across this country the undermining and destruction of the values that children were taught at home is going on in public schools. One of the first things a family tries to teach its children is the difference between right and wrong. One of the first things our schools try to destroy is that distinction. The up-to-date way to carry on the destruction of traditional values is to claim to be solving some social problem like drugs AIDS or teen-age pregnancy. Only those few people who have the time to research what is actually being done in "drug education " "sex education" or "death education" courses know what an utter fraud these labels are.

For those are courses about how right and wrong are outmoded notions about how your parents' ideas are no guide for you and about how each person must start from scratch to develop his or her own way of behaving. 

Thomas Sowell Creators Syndicate quoted in Reader's Digest March 1993 p. 178.

One of the most famous trials in history was that of Benjamin Francois Courvoisier in London in 1840 who is now immortalized in Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. Courvoisier was a Swiss valet accused of slicing the throat of his elderly employer Lord William Russell. What made this trial notorious was the argument for the defense. The police had bungled the investigation. The evidence against Courvoisier was entirely circumstantial or had been planted. One of the officers had perjured himself and the maid's testimony brought suspicion on herself. The defense attorney Charles Phillips was convinced of the innocence of Courvoisier and cross-examined witnesses aggressively.

At the beginning of the second day of the trial however Courvoisier confessed privately to his lawyer that he had committed the murder. When asked if he were going to plead guilty he replied to Charles Phillips "No sir I expect you to defend me to the utmost."

Phillips was faced with a dilemma. Should he declare to the court that the man was guilty or should he defend Courvoisier as best he could? Should he break the confidentiality of the client-lawyer relationship or should he help a guilty man to possibly go free? Which is more important -- truth or professional duty?

Phillips decided to defend the guilty man. But despite Phillips's efforts Courvoisier was convicted. When the dilemma was later made public Phillips's decision to defend a murderer horrified British society and brought him a great deal of criticism. 

Klyne Snodgrass Between Two Truths - Living with Biblical Tensions 1990 Zondervan Publishing House pp. 11-12.

Allan Bloom writes: "Openness - and the relativism that makes it the only plausible stance in the face of various claims to truth and various ways of life and kinds of human beings -- is the great insight of our times. The true believer is the real danger. The study of history and of culture teaches that all the world was mad in the past; men always thought they were right and that led to wars persecutions slavery xenophobia racism and chauvinism. The point is not to correct the mistakes and really be right; rather it is not to think you are right at all."

Charles Colson Against the Night pp. 84.

As Dorothy Sayers observed "In the world it is called Tolerance but in hell it is called Despair.. the sin that believes in nothing cares for nothing seeks to know nothing interferes with nothing enjoys nothing hates nothing finds purpose in nothing lives for nothing and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die." 

Charles Colson Against the Night p. 93.

I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to have a moral community or nation without faith in God because without it everything rapidly comes down to "me " and "me" alone is meaningless. Today Americans have stopped acting in terms of their own moral ethical and religious beliefs and principles. They've stopped acting on what they knew was right -- and the "me" has become the measure of everything.

However moral societies are the only ones that work. If anyone thinks there is not a direct and invaluable relationship between personal integrity in a society and that society's prosperity that person has simply not studied history. And this should not surprise us. Great moral societies built upon faith in God honor trust and the law blossoms because they are harmonious; because people love or at least respect their fellowman; because finally they have a common belief in something beyond themselves. It simplifies life immensely; you do not waste and spend your days fighting for turf for privilege for money and power over your fellowman.

Alexis de Tocqueville said it best when he realized even at the very beginning of our national life "America is great because America is good. If America ceases to be good she will cease to be great." 

 Georgia Anne Geyer Bits & Pieces September 17 1992 pp. 23-24.

It's out and it's hot: a discussion guide on sexuality for Lutherans. Released last month it is sure to spark debate both in and out of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) between now and the next ELCA assembly in 1993. "Human Sexuality and the Christian Faith " a 55 page document produced by the denomination's Division for Church and Society was designed to prompt dialogue and set the stage for a future ELCA social statement on sex issues. The material urges readers to examine with an open mind different views about marriage promiscuity and homosexuality.

At it's core the document questions biblical passages concerning homosexuality and suggests that scriptural references to same-sex relationships need to be re-interpreted in light of modern theories about sexual orientation. "We must distinguish between moral judgments regarding same-sex activity in biblical times and in our own time " the report states. It differentiates "exploitative" homosexual activity from same-sex relationships" in which there is mutual love and commitment." The document challenges ELCA members to evaluate prejudices against homosexuals insisting that "what we personally find offensive is not necessarily sinful."

Members of a 24 person United Methodist Church (UMC) panel could not agree on whether homosexuality is a sin so the committee's 14 000-word report on the subject was referred to the denomination's national policy-making body which will convene in Louisville Kentucky in May. The report contains a majority statement signed by 17 committee members recommending the removal of an assertion in the church's book of rules that homosexual practice and Christianity are incompatible. A minority report signed by four members argues for retaining the current language. The panel agreed that biblical references to sexual practices should not be viewed as binding "just because they are in the Bible." Fierce debate is expected at this year's General Conference because at least 35 of the UMC's 72 regional bodies have approved resolutions calling for preserving the traditional stance.

Copyright 1992 by Media Management P.O. Box 21433 Roanoke VA.

While an estimated 74 percent of Americans strongly agree that "there is only one true God who is holy and perfect and who created the world and rules it today " an estimated 65 percent either strongly agree or somewhat agree with the assertion that "there is no such thing as absolute truth." 

Christianity Today September 16 1991 p. 48 from George Barna The Barna Report: What Americans Believe 1991.

During a recent meeting of college educators at Harvard University Cornell president Frank Rhodes rose to address the issue of reforms suggesting that it was time for universities to pay "real and sustained attention to student's intellectual and moral well-being." Immediately there were gasps even catcalls.

One indignant student stood to demand of Rhodes "Who is going to do the instructing? Whose morality are we going to follow?" The audience applauded thunderously believing that the young man had settled the issue by posing an unanswerable question. Rhodes sat down unable or unwilling to respond...Basic human nature dictates that when an individual is left to make moral decisions without reference to some standard above self he or she invariably makes those choices on the basis of self-interest.

Relativism results in radical individualism. As sociologist Robert Bellah concluded after an exhaustive survey Americans have two overriding goals in life: personal success and vivid personal feelings. 

Charles Colson Jubilee April 1988.

I recently saw the story of a high school values clarification class conducted by a teacher in Teaneck New Jersey. A girl in the class had found a purse containing $1000 and returned it to its owner. The teacher asked for the class's reaction. Every single one of her fellow students concluded the girl had been "foolish." Most of the students contended that if someone is careless they should be punished. When the teacher was asked what he said to the students he responded "Well of course I didn't say anything. If I come from the position of what is right and what is wrong then I'm not their counselor. I can't impose my views." 

It's no wonder that J. Allen Smith considered a father of many modern education reforms concluded in the end "The trouble with us reformers is that we've made reform a crusade against all standards. Well we've smashed them all and now neither we nor anybody else have anything left." 

Senator Dan Coats Imprimis Vol. 20 No. 9 September 1991.

Few executives can afford the luxury of a conscience. A business that defined right and wrong in terms that would satisfy a well-developed contemporary conscience could not survive. When the directors and managers enter the board room to debate policy they park their private consciences outside. If they didn't they would fail in their responsibility to the company that pays them.

The crucial question in board rooms today is not "Are we morally obligated to do it?" but rather "What will happen if we don't do it?" or "How will this affect the rate of return on our investment?" No company employs a vice president in charge of ethical standards and sooner or later the conscientious executive is likely to come up against a stone wall of corporate indifference to private moral values. In the real world of today's business he is almost surely a troubled man. 

Dan Miller Chicago Daily News July 29 1970.

What is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after. 

Ernest Hemingway.



U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan recently published a disturbing essay entitled "Defining Deviancy Down." In the Nov 22 issue of The New Republic Commentator Charles Krauthammer writes that "Moynihan's powerful point is that with the moral deregulation of the 1960s we have had an explosion of deviancy in family life criminal behavior and public displays of psychosis. And we have dealt with it in the only way possible: by redefining deviancy down so as to explain away and make 'normal' what a more civilized ordered and healthy society long ago would have labeled--and long ago did label--deviant." 

Christian Research Institute letter December 6 1993.

Today the exalted status of economics in our public debate is being challenged in some rather intriguing places. For example Wall Street Journal editor Robert Bartley recently observed "If America is to decline it will not be because of military overstretch. Nor the trade balance Japanese management secrets or even the federal deficit. If a decline is underway it's a moral one."

Former Education Secretary William Bennett sees evidence of such decline in research identifying the most serious problems in public school classrooms. In 1940 running in the halls chewing gum and talking in class headed the list of teacher's disciplinary concerns; today robbery rape alcohol drugs teen pregnancy and suicide are most often mentioned. Bennett argues "If we turn the economy around have full employment live in cities of alabaster and gold and this is what our children are doing to each other then we still will have failed them."

Bennett believes one way to improve our national debate is to counterbalance the Commerce Department's index of leading economic indicators with a collection of some 19 "leading cultural indicators" including the divorce rate the illegitimacy rate the violent crime rate the teen suicide rate and even hours devoted to television viewing. While these cultural variables are only crude indicators of our nation's social health they do provide a more complete and more accurate empirical assessment of the condition of American society than is available from economic variables alone. Using economic variables -- even under-utilized variables like business productivity and hourly compensation rates -- it is difficult to explain public opinion polls showing that a majority of Americans believe the quality of life in America has declined over the last three decades. To understand such perceptions one has to consider that since 1960 violent crime has risen 560 percent illegitimate births have increased 400 percent teen suicides have risen 200 percent divorce rates have quadrupled average SAT scores have dropped 80 points and the proportion of children living in fatherless families has increased three-fold.

In essence then Bennett's leading cultural indicators are to our national debate what statistics like saves fielding percentage and earned run average are to baseball: reminders that economic production (or run production) isn't everything. Indeed a society which manages to make great gains economically but fails to progress in the cultural areas outlined by Bennett is likely to be no more successful in the long run than the 1931 New York Yankees. That ball club which featured sluggers like Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig scored more runs (1 067) than any other team in major league history. But New York still finished 13 and one-half games behind the Philadelphia Athletics in the 1931 American League pennant race in large part because the Yankees' lousy pitching more than offset run-scoring prowess. 

Family Policy June 1993 pp. 5-6.

Social critic Russell Kirk has defined decadence as the loss of an aim or object in life. "Men and women become decadent when they forget or deny the objects of life and so fritter away ther years in trifles or debauchery." 

Charles Colson Against the Night p. 56.

Meanwhile decadence and despair haunt many of America's youth. Perhaps fourteen-year-old Rod Matthews represents the most horrible extreme. Uninterested in baseball or books Rod found one thing that did stimulate him: death. His curiosity was intensely aroused by a rental video Faces of Death a collage of film clips of people dying violently. He wanted to see death happen in real life.

So one winter day Rod lured a young friend into the woods and hammered him to death with a baseball bat. At Matthews's trial a child psychiatrist testified that the boy was not conventionally insane. He just "doesn't know right from wrong...He is morally handicapped." 

Charles Colson Against the Night pp. 21-22.

Edward Gibbon author of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire has attributed the fall of the Empire to:

1. The rapid increase of divorce; the undermining of the dignity and sanctity of the home which is the basis of human society.

2. Higher and higher taxes and the spending of public monies for free bread and circuses for the populace.

3. The mad craze for pleasure; sports becoming every year more exciting and more brutal.

4. The building of gigantic armaments when the real enemy was within the decadence of the people.

5. The decay of religion -- faith fading into mere form losing touch with life and becoming impotent to warn and guide the people.

Edward Gibbon The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

The Fruit Of The Spirit - Goodness
1. At this point in our study on "the fruit of the Spirit"
we are 
   examining those graces which relate especially to our dealings with
   our fellowman...
   a. Longsuffering
defined as "that quality of self-restraint in the
      face of provocation which does not hastily retaliate or promptly
      punish." (VINE)
   b. Kindness
defined as "the sympathetic kindliness or sweetness of
      temper which puts others at their ease
and shrinks from giving
      pain" (PLUMMER)
   c. And now we come to goodness...
2. The Greek word is agathosune {ag-ath-o-soo'-nay}...
   a. This word is perhaps the most difficult to define
for it is so
      general in nature
   b. The difficulty is seen in that the word "goodness" takes it 
      meaning from its context
      1) E.g.
we might say "that is a good animal"
or "he is a good
      2) But good in what way?  The context defines the sense...
   c. The problem with its use in Ga 5:22 is that there is little in
      the context to guide us
3. But there may be at least two ways we might be able to come to a
   proper understanding of this word...
   a. Comparing it to the words "just" and "evil"
   b. Considering two examples in the New Testament of "good" people
[Let's begin by...]
      1. BARCLAY writes of how the Greeks compared these words:
         a. "Justice
they say
is the quality which gives a man what
            is due him;"
         b. "...goodness is the quality which is out to do far more 
            than that
and which desires to give a man all that is to
            his benefit and help."
      2. Again
BARCLAY writes:  "The man who is just sticks to the
         letter of his bond; the man who is good goes far beyond it."
      -- This suggests that the primary idea of goodness is
      1. In a few places
the words "evil" and "good" have particular
      2. In the parable of The Laborers (Mt 20:15)
"evil" means 
while "good" is used for "generous"
      3. In Mt 6:19-23...
         a. The context speaks of an "evil" (or "bad") eye which is 
            begrudging and ungenerous - cf. Pr 28:22
         b. In contrast to the eye that is "good" which lays up 
            treasure in heaven (by being generous to others
cf. 1 Ti 
      1. The person who displays goodness is not like the person who is
         simply just...
         a. The person who is simply just gives only to another what he
            has earned
         b. Whereas the person who is good is generous to give what was
            not deserved
      2. The person who displays goodness is not like the person who is
         a. The person who is evil begrudges everything he has to give
         b. The person who is good is open-hearted and open-handed
[It has been said that goodness "is easier to recognize than to 
define".  With that in mind
   A. BARNABAS WAS A "GOOD" MAN - Ac 11:24
      1. He was generous with his possessions
         a. Cf. Ac 4:32-37
         b. This is consistent with our definition above
that one who
            is good is generous to give to others what is not deserved
      2. He was happy to see the progress of others; i.e.
he was not
         a. Cf. Ac 11:23
         b. Again this is consistent with our definition; he was not
            begrudging another's success
      3. Barnabas was an encourager of others
         a. Cf. Ac 11:23
         b. He was liberal with his good words
which is how he got his
            name - cf. Ac 4:36
      1. She was "full of good works and charitable deeds"
      2. Even in her death
her goodness was being felt
         a. Cf. Ac 9:39
where the widows were showing tunics and 
            garments she had made
         b. I doubt they were praising her ability to sew
but rather
            her charity in making such clothes for others (such as the
1. All those who are truly led by the Spirit of God will produce the
   quality of "goodness" - cf. Ep 5:8-9
2. That is
doing kind things beyond what is expected or required
   a. Such was the case of Barnabas and Dorcas
   b. Paul was confident such was true of the brethren in Rome - Ro 
   -- Would he have written the same of us?
3. That we should be "full of goodness" is only natural...
   a. For God who is our Father demonstrated His own "goodness"
   b. This He did by giving His Son to a sinful world undeserving of 
      such grace - Ti 3:3-7
Have you submitted to His saving mercy
that "washing of regeneration and
renewing of the Holy Spirit"? - cf. Jn 3:5; Mk 16:16; Ac 2:38
If not
then why not do so today
and then heed Paul's call to 
   "This is a faithful saying
and these things I want you to affirm
that those who have believed in God should be careful
   to maintain good works.  These things are good and profitable to
   men." (Ti 3:8)


--《Executable Outlines