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Misc. Issues



In 1944 a forty-one-year-old woman sought an abortion from her doctor. He firmly refused asserting that abortion was just not right morally ethically or legally. The woman later gave birth to a baby boy and named him James Robison. This unwanted child grew up to become a well-known evangelist. God has a plan for every human life even those who are not wanted. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



In 1952 a probation officer in New York City tired to find an organization that would assist in the adoption of a twelve-year-old boy. Although the child had a religious background none of the major denominations would assist in his adoption. Said the officer later “His case had been reported to me because he had been truant. I tried for a year to find and agency that would care for this needy youngster. Neither Catholic Protestant nor Jewish institutions would take him because he came from a denomination they did not recognize. I could do nothing constructive for him.”

If the principles of Christian love had prevailed in the Bronx in 1952 perhaps a good home could have been found for that young mixed-up lad. In fact providing a better environment in which to grow up might have changed history. For you see the boy was Lee Harvey Oswald. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



The Chinese word for “crisis” is a combination of the symbols for “danger” plus “opportunity.” ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



King Heroin is my shepherd

        I whall always want

        He maketh me to lie down in the gutters

        He leadeth me beside the troubled waters

        He destroyeth my soul.

── This is an nonymous poem quoted by Francis Schaeffer



A brilliant but bitter agnostic writer toured Europe with his wife and small daughter. He received honors from schools royalty and friends. After the family returned home his daughter impressed with her fathers fame said: Daddy I guess pretty soon you will know everybody except God. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



A reporter once asked Walt Disney how it felt to be a celebrity. It feels fine he replied when being a celebrity helps me get a choice reservation for a football game As far as I can remember being a celebrity has never helped me make a good picture or a good shot in a polo game or command the obedience of my daughter or impress my wife. It doesnt even seem to help keep fleas off our dogs and if being a celebrity wont give me an advantage over a couple of fleas then I guess there cant be that much in being a celebrity after all. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching


Consequences of Freedom

When a man decides to exercise his freedom to break Gods laws he is like a person who ascends to the top of a tall building and jumps off. For the first several stories he feels great. There are no restraints no restrictions no hang-ups. But suppose ten stories from the ground he realizes that a sudden stop awaits him and that he doesnt want to endure its consequences. Can he reverse the falling process? Can you or he stop the fall? Of course not. Thus in the final ten stories our tragic character will examine his definition of freedom and realizetoo latethat it was wrong. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching


Morality and Freedom

Men are qualified for civil liberties only to the extent that they are willing to put moral chains of their appetites”— Edmund Burke


Security and Freedom

At the University of Oklahoma for many years a project was underway to teach a fifteen-year-old female chimpanzee named Washoe to talk by combining sign language with simple recognition. Since 1966 this chimpanzee learned 140 signs.

Finally the project directors decided that Washoe was prepared to conceptualize. This meant that instead of merely imitating some humans words the chimp would express thoughts of her own. Now understand Washoe was a pampered animal in the universitys laboratorywell fed physically comfortable safe from harm. She had security. And yet when she was able to put words together on her own into a phrase these were the first threeand she has said them again repeatedly—“Let me out. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching


Life Precious

Here are some of the untold statistics and facts that have to do with legalized abortion.  In China a country where government policy was one child to a family people were opting for boys both to carry on the family name and so someone could help do the harder chores especially on the farms.  Families used abortion even drowned female babies to be sure their one child would be a son. 

And now the inevitable result.  Many of those boys will be bachelors because just in the age group of 0-19 there are 14 000 000 more boys than girls.  Of every 100 unmarried adult Chinese 93 are men.  The trend shows no signs of reversing. -- Associated Press 6-6-90



O.G. Wilson wrote "I murmured because I had to walk four blocks from the parking lot to my office.  Then I saw a man who was sick hungry and unable to take a step and yet whose smile was as cheery as the chirp of the first robin of spring.  I complained because the light was poor.  Then I met a man radiantly happy from whose eyes all sight had been lost due to an accident.  I complained about paying so much income tax until I visited a rest home where a penniless man was singing joyously the triumphant songs of grace." 

A spirit of discontent shows a lack of faith in Christ and a streak of selfish egoism.  Our Lord never promised His disciples days of sunny ease.  How foolish then to complain and fret because unpleasant experiences come our way.  Remember if you murmur you'll reap an "overwhelmed" spirit (Ps. 77:3). ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching


Wise Counsel

A message from the late Muppet maker Jim Henson.  Read at his memorial service in New York it simply said "Please watch out for each other and love and forgive everybody.  It's a good life; enjoy it." -- Associated Press 5-22-90


Wise Counsel

William Seidman has decided to step down from his post as the head of the F.D.I.C. On why he's planning to leave government:  "A good friend who was a member of the special forces sent me their motto which said 'When the going gets tough the tough get out of the way and let somebody else do the dying.'" ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching


Wise Counsel

The following is wise counsel from a mother to her daughter on how to live with joy:  

   Mend a quarrel.

   Search out a forgotten friend.

   Dismiss a suspicion and replace it with trust.

   Write a letter to someone who misses you.

   Encourage a youth who has lost faith.

   Keep a promise.

   Forget an old grudge.

   Examine your demands on others and vow to reduce them.

   Fight for a principle.

   Express your gratitude.

   Overcome an old fear.

   Take two minutes to appreciate the beauty of nature.

   Tell someone you love them.

   Tell them again and again and again!



Dear Ann Landers:  Please print this as a personal plea to all

your readers who might drink and drive.

Dear Friend:  I'm 29 years old.  When I was 4 my grandfather was killed in a car accident on New Year's Eve.  He was struck by a drunk driver.  My only memory of him is his funeral.  When I was 10 years old my brother was killed while coming home after serving in Vietnam.  He was within a few miles of home when the car he was riding in swerved to avoid a car driven by a drunk driver.

Yesterday we buried my father who was killed in a head-on collision while going to work.  That driver was also drunk.  Dad was 57.  He had never touched alcohol.  He and Mom were married 39 years and had five children and 15 grandchildren.  My children will never know their wonderful grandfather because they were too young when he died. This is a tremendous loss.  He was such a terrific person. 

Please dear readers of Ann Landers' column if you drink I'm begging you to think about my family before you get behind the wheel of your car.  Haven't we been through enough? - Wapakoneta Ohio. -- Ann Landers 6-29-90


Inspiration of Example

In a personal letter to Charles Swindoll Tim Hansel mentions a Harvard University study conducted rather extensively within recent months where they tried to determine the most effective way to change lives.  Their findings surprised even those doing the study.  Amidst the high tech sophistication and advanced techniques of our world the number one way to change lives was modeling.  When it is all said and done the best way to impact another life is to demonstrate to practice what one teaches.  You know that is why you cannot get out of your mind the model of your parents nor can I. -- From a letter from Tim Hansel to Charles Swindoll as shared on Insight for Living Broadcast   6-22-90


Inspiration of Example

"You can impress people at a distance but you can impact them only up close.” -- Howard Hendricks



Sometimes we tend to be amazed (and even snicker) at the minutia of Pharisaic legalism. We tend to forget however that sandwiched among our countrys sound and workable statutes there are hundreds of cockeyed ordinances that remain to clutter up our law books because the powers-that-be-from state legislators to town fathers-have not gotten around to repealing them. For instance in Amarillo Texas it is against the law to take a bath on the main street during banking hours. In Portland Oregon it is illegal to wear roller skates in public restrooms. In Halethor0e Maryland a kiss lasting more than a second is an illegal act. The list goes on and on. Suffice it to say that down through history man has been inclined to live by and enforce the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



The sin of the Pharisees was paying attention to outward demonstrations of piety for appearances sake rather than giving attention to inward obedience. This can be well illustrated by two eggs. One egg is a normal raw egg that when placed under the palm of the hand and pressed evenly cannot be broken because of the structure of the egg itself. The second egg is exactly the same on the outside but its insides have been removed. When it is placed under the same palm pressure it breaks easily because it is internally weak. So too one who gives himself to the sin of the Pharisees is empty of substance and will eventually crack under pressure. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



The attitude one has toward doing what has to be done determines if the action is legalistic. An illustration makes this clear:

A serious athlete has to keep training rules. Most athletes are glad to keep them rigid as they may be for the sheer love of the sport. A few athletes conform to make the team and glorify show off self. The former attitude is love and the latter is legalism but both attitudes are toward the same rigid code and both result in conformity. Having to conform to a law is not of itself legalism.”— Charles C. Ryie



The highest order of mind is accused of folly as well as the lowest. Nothing is thoroughly approved but mediocrity. The majority has established this and it fixes its fangs on whatever gets beyond it either way. Blaise Pascal



The danger of prosperity is simple: it binds us to the world. Prosperity leads us to think that we have found our place in the world. Of course the reality is that the world has found its place in us. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



Rabbi Simon said There are three crowns: the crown of (the study of) the Law the crown of priesthood and the crown of royalty but the crown of a good name surpasses them all. Mishnah Avoth



The druggist of the town drugstore overheard a young boy talking on a pay telephone. Hello sir I was calling to see if you needed a lawn boy. Oh you have one. Well is he adequate? Oh he is! Thank you I was just checking said the young boy.

The druggist then said to the boy Sorry you didnt get the job son.

Oh no sir said the boy. Ive got the job. I was just calling to check up on myself. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



As everyday experience often shows stress and trials can strengthen a person. A seed that falls into a mere handful of soil next to a boulder can sometimes grow into a large tree by sending its roots down to the earth roots that firmly wedge it onto the rock. The sequoia the greatest of trees grows best when forest fires periodically threaten its existence. The fires may scar it deeply but they assure the proper composition of the soil needed for the trees survival. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



The head of the Menninger Institute has stated that up to  70 percent of minor ailments such as colds and fatigue are psychosomatic reactions to day-to-day stress and also that they can lead to more serious problems. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



Karl Marx said that religion was the opiate of the masses. He could not say such in our day for it is television that is now both the opiate and pagan religion of the masses. Think about it for a moment.

Televisions priests are its celebrities. Its denominations are the networks. Its morality is found in the ratings. Its shrines are the millions of T.V. sets that occupy honored spots in our homes and its icons are the antennae that reach toward the sky. Its worshipers are found in its millions of regular viewers. And its rituals are the regularly scheduled programs that are habitually attended by its misguided addicts. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



On the table side by side

                the Holy Bible and the R.V. Guide.

        One is well worn but cherished with pride;

                Not the Bible the T.V. Guide.

        One is used daily to help them decide;

                No it isn’t the Bible it’s the T.V. Guide.

        As pages are turned what shall we see?

                It doesn’t matter turn on the T.V.

        Confusion reigns; they can’t all agree

                On what they should watch on the old T.V.

        So they open the book in which they confide;

                No not the Bible the T.V. Guide.

        The Word of God is seldom read

                Maybe a verse as they fall into bed.

        Exhausted and sleepy and as tired as can be

                Not from reading the Bible but from watching T.V.

        So then back to the table side by side

                The Holy Bible and the R.V. Guide.

        No time for prayer no time for the Word;

                The plan of salvation is seldom heard.

        Yet forgiveness of sins so full and so free

                Is found in the Bible not on T.V.



The Twenty-Third Channel

        The T.V. set is my shepherd

                My spiritual life shall want.

        It maketh me to sit down and do nothing for His name’s sake

                Because it requireth all my time.

        It keepeth me from doing my duty as a Christian

                Because it presenteth so many good shows I must see.

        It retoreth my knowledge of the things of the world.

        It keepeth me from the study of God’s Word.

        It leadeth me in the paths of failing to attend the evening

                worship services and doing nothing in the kingdom of God.

        Yea though I live to be a hundred

                I shall keep viewing my T.V. as long as it will work

                for it is my closest companion.

        Its sounds and its pictures

                They comfort me.

        It presenteth entertainment before me

                And keepeth me from doing important things with my family.

        It fills my head with ideas which differ from those set forth in

                The Word of God.

        Surely no good thing will come of my life

                Because my T.V. offereth me no good time to do the will of God.

        Thus though I dwell in the place of the redeemed

        Who have been washed in the blood of the lamb

        I will let the souls around me slip into Hell forever.



A little boy walked down the beach and as he did he spied a matronly woman sitting under a beach umbrella on the sand. He walked up to her and asked Ware you a Christian?


Do you read your Bible every day?

She nodded her head Yes.

Do you pray often? the boy asked next and again she answered Yes.

With that he asked his final question Will you hold my quarter while I go swimming? ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



A man approached a speaker and said You Christians are all brainwashed. The speaker replied I think we are all brainwashed to a degree. The important thing is that we Christians choose what we want to wash our brains with. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



One morning the young new president of a bank made an appointment with his predecessor to seek some advice. He began Sir as you well know I lack a great deal of the qualifications you already have for this job. You have been very successful as president of this bank and I wondered if you would be kind enough to share with me some of the insights you have gained from your years here that have been the keys to your success.
The older man looked at him with a stare and replied:
Young man two words: good decision.

The young man responded Thank you very much sir but how does one come to know which is the good decision?

One word young man: experience.

But how does one get experience?

Two words young man: bad decisions. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



William Thomson (later Lord Kelvin) was one of the greatest physicists of nineteenth-century England. When he was away at college his father wrote to him: You are young: take care you be not led to what is wrong. A false step now or the acquiring of an improper habit might ruin you for life. Frequently look back on your conduct and thence learn wisdom for the future. Cited in G.K.C. MacDonald



Mans wisdom is not enough. It is limited partial wisdom. T.S. Eliot put it so beautifully when he said in The Rock:

All our knowledge brings us nearer to our ignorance

All our ignorance brings us nearer to death

But nearness to death no nearer to God.

Then he asks the question that hangs over this whole generation: Where is the Life we have lost in living? ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



A leading economic expert Professor Irving Fisher of Yale had this to say about the bright future of the stock market and the American economy: Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.

His statement was spoken in early October 1929 just a couple of weeks before the stock market crash that ushered in the Great Depression. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching


Wise Counsel

The following is wise counsel from a mother to her daughter on how to live with joy:  

   Mend a quarrel.

   Search out a forgotten friend.

   Dismiss a suspicion and replace it with trust.

   Write a letter to someone who misses you.

   Encourage a youth who has lost faith.

   Keep a promise.

   Forget an old grudge.

   Examine your demands on others and vow to reduce them.

   Fight for a principle.

   Express your gratitude.

   Overcome an old fear.

   Take two minutes to appreciate the beauty of nature.

   Tell someone you love them.

   Tell them again and again and again!

── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



We may be known by the following according to A.W. Tozer:

            1.What we want most.

            2.What we think about most.

            3.How we use our money.

            4.What we do with our leisure time.

            5.The company we enjoy.

            6.Who and what we admire.

            7.What we laugh at.

── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



There is a proverb in the business world that the man who takes no inventories finally becomes bankrupt. ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



            On the table side by side

              the Holy Bible and the R.V. Guide.

            One is well worn but cherished with pride;

              Not the Bible the T.V. Guide.

            One is used daily to help them decide;

              No it isnt the Bible its the T.V. Guide.

            As pages are turned what shall we see?

              It doesnt matter turn on the T.V.

            Confusion reigns; they cant all agree

              On what they should watch on the old T.V.

            So they open the book in which they confide;

              No not the Bible the T.V. Guide.

            The Word of God is seldom read

              Maybe a verse as they fall into bed.

            Exhausted and sleepy and as tired as can be

              Not from reading the Bible but from watching T.V.

            So then back to the table side by side

              The Holy Bible and the R.V. Guide.

            No time for prayer no time for the Word;

              The plan of salvation is seldom heard.

            Yet forgiveness of sins so full and so free

              Is found in the Bible not on T.V.

── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



The Twenty-Third Channel

            The T.V. set is my shepherd

              My spiritual life shall want.

            It maketh me to sit down and do nothing for His names sake

              Because it requireth all my time.

            It keepeth me from doing my duty as a Christian

              Because it presenteth so many good shows I must see.

            It retoreth my knowledge of the things of the world.

            It keepeth me from the study of Gods Word.

            It leadeth me in the paths of failing to attend the evening

              worship services and doing nothing in the kingdom of God.

            Yea though I live to be a hundred

              I shall keep viewing my T.V. as long as it will work

              for it is my closest companion.

            Its sounds and its pictures

              They comfort me.

            It presenteth entertainment before me

              And keepeth me from doing important things with my family.

            It fills my head with ideas which differ from those set forth in

              The Word of God.

            Surely no good thing will come of my life

              Because my T.V. offereth me no good time to do the will of God.

            Thus though I dwell in the place of the redeemed

            Who have been washed in the blood of the lamb

            I will let the souls around me slip into Hell forever.

── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching


1. The Old Testament provides valuable lessons for the Christian - 1 Co
2. One such lesson is the importance of "Making Wise Choices" in our
   a. Lot made a choice as to where to live
and as a result he
      1) War and kidnapping - Gen 14
      2) Oppression and torment by the ungodly citizens of Sodom - 2 Pe
      3) Loss of all his possessions
death of his wife
and incest with
         his daughters - Gen 19
   b. David chose to commit adultery with Bathsheba
and as a
      consequence he suffered:
      1) The death of his infant son - 2 Sam 12
      2) A daughter molested by her half-brother - 2 Sam 13
      3) That son killed by her vengeful brother - 2 Sam 13
      4) A rebellion led by that son
who shamed him publicly
and whose
         death brought even more grief to David - 2 Sam 15-18
3. With Lot and David illustrating the need for "Making Wise Choices"
   let's consider...
   a. Some choices that greatly affect our lives
   b. Suggestions for making wise choices
   c. What to do when we have made the wrong choice
[We begin with a review of...]
      1. Will you follow Jesus or not?
         a. Will you become His disciple?
         b. Or will you refuse to accept His gracious offer of salvation
            - Mt 11:28-30
      2. This one decision will affect your life more than any other!
         a. It will determine your place in eternity
         b. It will have a bearing on every other decision you make
            1) As a disciple
you will be concerned with doing His will
            2) As a disciple
you will not simply "do your own thing"
               - Mt 28:18-20
      1. Even from a worldly viewpoint
your choice is important
         a. The job market is always changing
         b. The wrong choice could lead to financial ruin or fiscal
      2. More importantly
the choice can have a lasting effect on:
         a. Your marriage and family
         b. Your service to God
      3. Make the choice to honor God first
and you will be blessed
         - Mt 6:33
      4. Make money the primary factor in your decision
and destruction
         will follow - 1 Ti 6:6-10
      1. This choice will determine to a great extent your degree of
         happiness - Pro 12:4
      2. It will have a permanent bearing on your children and their
         emotional well-being
         a. You may think you can simply divorce a person if they turn
            out to be a bad choice
         b. But once you have children
there is no way to reverse the
            choice you made as to who is the mother or father of your
         c. The children are not unaffected by the violence of divorce
            - cf. Mal 2:16
      1. Having close friends can be a wonderful blessing - cf. Pro
      2. But the wrong friends can be a curse - cf. Pro 12:26; 1 Co
      1. It was this choice where Lot made his mistake
         a. It appeared to be a sound business decision - Gen 13:10-11
         b. But it was a poor moral decision - Gen 13:13
      2. Upon what basis do we choose where to live?
         a. Is it based solely on how much of house we can afford?
         b. Is it based upon the location to work
         c. Do we consider whether it will help or hinder our service to
            God and His church?
      -- There may be some modern-day "Sodoms" and "Gommorahs" to avoid!
[For every action there is a reaction
and for every choice there is a
consequence.  To increase the likelihood that our choices will have good
here are a few...]
      1. He promises to give wisdom to those who ask in faith - Ja 1:5-8
      2. Asking for wisdom requires diligence - Pro 2:1-9
      -- Fill your prayers with requests for wisdom to make wise
      1. There is safety in having many counselors - Pro 11:14
      2. There is wisdom in heeding the counsel of others - Pro 12:15
      3. Two great sources for counsel:
         a. The Bible itself
especially a book like Proverbs
         b. Older
mature Christians
      -- Don't hesitate to ask others what they would do!
      1. Trusting that you have made choices pleasing to Him
put them
         in His hands - Psa 37:5-6
      2. Make your choices with the understanding
"if the Lord wills"
         - Ja 4:13-15
      3. One might even ask the Lord that if a choice is not according
         to His will...
         a. He might frustrate the carrying out of the choice
         b. Or to otherwise show you what is His will
      -- Include God in your decision making
if you wish to make wise
[There will be times when it becomes apparent that we made poor choices
even wrong ones.  What can we do to avoid making matters worse...?]
      1. Do what Lot did:  Heed and flee!
         a. Heed the Word of God
         b. Do what you now know to be right without reservation
            (remember Lot's wife!)
      2. Do what Peter did:  Repent and serve!
         a. Repent
if sin is involved (as when Peter denied Christ)
         b. Serve the Lord with what time you have left in this life
      3. Do what Paul did:  Accept and live!
         a. Accept the forgiveness Jesus provides - cf. 1 Ti 1:12-16
         b. Determine to live for the Lord to the best of your ability
            - cf. Ph 3:13-14
      1. Continue - remain in the choice you've made because of pride
         or some other reason!
      2. Wallow - just feel sorry for yourself over your guilt or loss!
1. May the examples of such men like Lot and David...
   a. Teach us the importance of "Making Wise Choices"
   b. Serve as a warning not to make our decisions lightly
2. May we ever be open to the wisdom from God and the counsel of others
   as we make such   choices as...
   a. Our careers
   b. Our spouses
   c. Our friends
   d. Where we will live
3. Have you made the most important decision you will ever face in this
   a. The decision which will determine your eternal destiny?
   b. The decision to follow Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
Why not decide today to follow Jesus
and become His disciple? - cf. Mt
28: 19-20; Ac 2:36-41


--《Executable Outlines