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Characteristics of Leaders



Matthew Henry went to London met a young lady of the nobility who was also wealthy and they fell in love. She went to ask her father if she could marry him and he said "He's got no background you don't know where he's come from." She said "Yes I know but I know where he's going and I want to go with him." ── Source Unknown.



In 1789 an uncertain George Washington is urged to seek the presidency by Governor Morris a Pennsylvania delegate to the Constitutional Convention. Morris writes Washington: "No constitution is the same on paper and in life. The exercise of authority depends upon personal character. Your cool steady temper is indispensably necessary to give a firm and manly tone to the new government." ── Source Unknown.



A leader is a person with a magnet in his heart and a compass in his head. ── Vance Hainer.



During the Nazi occupation of his country in WWII King Christian X of Denmark noticed a Nazi flag flying over a Danish public building. He immediately called the German commandant demanding that the flag be taken down at once. The commandant refused. "Then a soldier will go and take it down." said the king. "He will be shot " threatened the commandant. "I think not " replied the king "for I shall be the soldier." Within minutes the flag was taken down. ── Today in the Word August 1991 p. 13.



Do not follow where the path may lead go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.── Source Unknown.



One definition of leadership is the ability to recognize the special abilities and limitations of others combined with the capacity to fit each one into the job where he will do his best. – J. Oswald Sanders



From the world of business Robert J. Kriegel offers an observation about being proactive that applies to churches "Research shows that the overwhelming majority of Americans (85 percent) are reactive and static not action- or dynamic- or instinct-oriented. They wait and meet meet and wait. With a ready arsenal of conservative conventional wisdom at their disposal they try to control outcomes in an out-of-control world."── H.B. London Jr. and Neil B. Wiseman Pastors at Risk Victor Books 1993 p. 217.



Dwight Eisenhower described leadership as "The act of getting somebody else to do what you want done because he wants to do it."── Source Unknown.



Leadership is the discipline of deliberately exerting special influence within a group to move it towards goals of beneficial permanence that fulfills the group's real needs. ── Dr. John Haggai Lead On!.



Effective leadership is the willingness to sacrifice for the sake of predetermined objectives. ── Ted Engstrom in Erwin Lutzer Pastor to Pastor p. 117.