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Training of Leaders



Wherever anything is to be done either in the Church or in the world you may depend upon it it is done by one man. The whole history of the Church from the earliest ages teaches the same lesson. A Moses a Gideon an Isaiah and a Paul are from time to time raised up to do an appointed work; and when they pass away their work appears to cease. Nor is it given to everyone as it was to Moses to see the Joshua who is destined to carry on his work to completion. God can raise up a successor to each man but the man himself is not to worry about that matter or he may do harm. One great object of every religious teacher should be to prevent the creation of external appliances to make his teaching appear to live when it is dead. ── Charles Spurgeon in Wycliffe Handbook of Preaching & Preachers W. Wiersbe p. 223.



An ancient Persian proverb offers the following excellent advice on developing leaders.

            He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is fool-shun him.

            He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a child-teach him.

            He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep-wake him.

            He who knows and knows that he knows is wise-follow him.

── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



An interview with Actress Jodie Foster from Women.com

Women.com: Back to the topic of leadership what else can we be doing to promote leadership in women? 
Foster: Well I have this really outdated philosophy about success in a corporate structure and you're going to think I'm really romantic and a fool but here it goes. I think that if you are moral and you're right and you have the right ethics that eventually somewhere down the line you're going to end up being successful. 
In our business anyway you're always going up and down and at some point you're going to find yourself down. You're going to need somebody to say "Hey I remember you. You're the one that treated me right and I'm going to lend a hand out to you ..." It's your responsibility to conduct yourself ethically throughout the process ?always ethics first ?so that somewhere down the line somebody's going to let you live up to your own potential. 
Women.com: Do you live your life that way as well? 
Foster: Yeah I really do. I mean I think I try to be the best person I can. Lord knows I make big mistakes. I make big mistakes all the time. But I try to be as honest and direct as I can. 
── A conversation with Jodie Foster about being a single mom in the glare of celebrity By Tamar Laddy Women.com May 2000.



The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn. ── David Russell.