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【从酒徒到使徒】美国有一个年轻律师,办案精明,业务隆盛。他有一个好友是虔诚的基督徒。某天两人相聚吃饭时,好友突然问他说:「我很久就想问你一件事,又不好意思开口。」律师答曰:「今天请你直言。」于是这个好友便问道:「为何你还不信耶稣?」律师低头片刻说:「我读过一点圣经,也知道醉酒的人不能进天国,我却是不醉也不归!」这个基督徒遂打开圣经,念以赛亚五十三章六节给他听,说:「你和我都像迷羊,偏行己路,但我们的好牧者处处在寻找我们。只要你悔改,他必救你脱离酗酒的锁链。」就在那一天,律师接受耶稣做他救主,且滴酒不再沾,他是谁?就是以后被主重用的司可福牧师(C.I.Scofield 18431921)。他信主后勤读圣经,先后担任牧会及神学院教授。最重要的是一九○九年由牛津大学出版的「司可福圣经注释」,他用了七年时间完成这串珠圣经巨著,成为今日各种串珠圣经版本之先驱。另一贡献即编印一套圣经函授课程,学生遍布全球。一九五○年由成寄归牧师翻译中文。司可福的故事印证上帝不仅能改变一个人的生命,也能使他成为贵重的器皿。——张钦煌《小吗哪》


【另一个保罗】约翰·纽顿(J.Newton)生在一个英国海员家庭,母亲是虔诚基督徒,常教小孩子背经句。才七岁时母亲即辞世,父亲便把他带上船航行四海,也因此染上游荡生活,吃喝赌骗,无恶不作,且远至非洲贩卖黑奴。有人送他福音单张,他当众践踏于地。三十岁时回国当海潮测量员,也在同一年悔改信主。纽顿一生只读过两年书,故利用下班时间勤读神学、拉丁文、希伯来文及希腊文。四年后在伦敦圣公会牧会。他写了许多圣诗,最感动人的是「奇异恩典Amazing Grace」(校园一集9),描写了他浪子回头的见证。因其悔改经过很像使徒保罗,以后的讲道也都强调罪人必须彻底悔改重生,被称为另一个保罗。他八十二高龄安息前,自写墓志曰:我纽顿系一牧师,但前曾放荡,敌对基督,贩卖奴隶,然而却蒙主怜悯、保守、赦罪,并被派传扬救恩,这救恩是我从前极力想要消灭的。(提前一:1314)——张钦煌《小吗哪》












































在此自身改革期间,西班牙罗耀拉(Ignatius de Loyola)组织耶稣会,参加的人多半是敦品好学之士,后成天主教的中流砥柱。他们除在欧洲与学传教之外,更远涉重洋,在欧洲以外获得许多信徒。因此直到现在天主教的信徒最多,势力也最大。



【约翰卡尔文(John Calvin 一五○九∼一五六四)】他在改教史上是仅次于路德的杰出人物。他是一个豪富的法国人。自幼聪颖好学,在巴黎接着上了两家著名大学,学业大告成功。一五三三年,他接受了更正教的教训,因作改教宣传,于一五三四年被政府逐出法国。以后二、三年他游历各处。在施塔斯堡时,他著作「基督教原理」。该书为改教中的杰作。在一六三○年以前,曾用九国语言,再版七十余次,可知其影响力之大。他以后出版的「日内瓦基督徒要学」,也有同样的影响力。





【约翰诺克斯(John Knox一五一五∼一五七二)】他本是苏格兰的一个神甫。约在一五四○年,他就开始以更正教的思想教人。一五四七年被法国军队解往法国,在彼充当划船囚奴约十九个月。后藉英国政府援助,重获自由。一五四九年回到英国继续讲道。一五五三年他去日内瓦,接受卡尔文的教训。

    一五五九年,苏格兰上议院请他回苏格兰,带领改教工作。另一面那时苏格兰的政治也需要争取独立。苏格兰女皇玛利亚曾与法王佛兰西斯(Francis)二世联婚(佛氏乃卡塞林底麦地西——Catherine de Medici—的儿子。卡塞林底麦地西是一热诚罗马教徒,也是教皇的一个称心工具,她曾下令于一五七二年八月二十四日夜,圣巴多罗买夜大屠杀更正教徒——休该诺Hugenots—被屠杀者达七万之多。她是三位法王的母亲,佛氏是其一位,在位一五五九至一五六○;查理九世,在位一五六○至一五七四;亨利三世,在位一五七四至一五八九。)因着联婚。法王的权势也就联到了苏格兰。政治受了法王的管辖,更正教就难以在苏格兰立足。幸经诺克斯的工作,一五六○年更正教会在苏格兰创立了。一五六七年法王势力也被逐出苏格兰。——林元度《造就故事真理与灵命》


  1511年,路德奉派去罗马,他对罗马一直抱着许多幻想,这次他有机会去瞻仰这伟大的城,心中无限快乐。当他看见这座落在七座山头的罗马城时,不禁俯伏于地,以口吻土:神圣的罗马,我问你安!” 可是路德到了这里,见教会中的人,修道士们,奢侈宴乐,作威作福。路德规劝他们,谁知不但不听,反而恼羞成怒,将他赶了出去。一天,路德进罗马城宏大的教堂,其中有一架楼梯,据说是主耶稣被彼拉多审问时走过的梯子,据说谁用膝盖跪着爬上梯子的都可赎罪,路德也跟着别人跪着向上爬。到了中途,突然一个声音如雷击中了路德马丁:义人必因信得生。路德不禁满脸羞愧,自从这次以后,他立下了改革教会的决心。对罗马的腐败,虚伪有了清楚的认识,对救恩之道更加明白了。 ── 佚名《喻道小品》


【圣法兰西的故事 爱是不加害于人的,所以爱就完全了律法(罗1310
  在跟从弗朗西斯的人中,以后再没有比这三位更忠心,更坚定了。他们永远不忘记孟特开遂的经历——以爱胜恨。 ── 佚名《喻道小品》


【利文斯敦 你们要去,使万民作我的门徒。(太2819

  利文斯敦的死,对于教会的工作又是一种激励,许许多多的传教团跟随着他的脚迹将真理传进非洲大陆。 ── 佚名《喻道小品》


【司布真的蒙恩经历 地极的人,都当仰望我(赛4522
  司布真死后,他的棺材上放着一本展开的圣经,展开的那一章就是《以赛亚书》4522节,以纪念他42年前听了这节使他蒙恩得救的圣经。── 佚名《喻道小品》

【救助犹太人】在第二次世界大战期间,信仰天主教的德籍夫妇奥斯卡辛德勒(Oscar Schindler)及其妻埃米莉说服并用金钱向德国纳粹占领军,从波兰的奥斯威兹(Auschwitz)集中营里抽调了近千名犹太俘虏到他们在波兰克拉科经营的工厂中工作,使得这些犹太人逃过死劫。




In 1722 Count Nicholaus von Zinzendorf of Saxony founded a colony of pietist believers called "hernhut " later known as Moravians. He also traveled to America and set up communities that began to send out missionaries first to Greenland then to the West Indies then beyond. By the time Zinzendorf died in 1760 some 300 missionaries all laypersons had gone out from the various colonies. in 1738 when some of the challenges of missionary life had become clear Zinzendorf wrote his famous instructions many of which sound strangely modern despite their 18th century language. It is better to send people into the wide world than to send no one. But you should be warned about the following temptations:

1. To have even the slightest dealings with clergymen.
2. To think about your purpose in the land only when you get there.
3. To test your vocation on the heathen once you are among them.                                                          4. To give up because something doesn't work immediately.
5. To begin to make your home too comfortable forgetting that you are really a traveler a pilgrim among the nations.
6. To be prejudiced against the heathen because they are neither efficient nor pious and to be irritated by how badly they run things.
7. To seek even the slightest advantage at the expense of your brothers.
8. To fill up whole diaries with descriptions of difficulties but write little or nothing about the ways in which our Savior has helped you.
9. To forget that one can do far more with a believing heart than with many words.
10. To judge your colleagues and particularly your superiors according to their personalities and then allow your relationship to be influenced by whether or not you approve of them.
11. To make a general rule of the experience you and two or three others have had.
12. To make so many plans that in the end you can't carry out any of them but throw up the whole task.
13. Out of boredom to make up new articles of faith.
14. Vindictiveness
15. To lose sight of the Savior.
16. Letting a quarrel last longer than a day.
17. To reflect and think that if you were somewhere else you would not have to die or that things would be different for you; to think that the present lot which God has given to you can be avoided.
18. For any pretext or whatever reason to give the devil an opportunity to outwit us to cast us down or to rob us of our peace.
19. It is not always a bad sign to be troubled by something.
20. To embellish the heathen with names of people not even those of Luther Herrnhut or Zinzendorf.

Source Unknown.

The Order of the Mustard Seed founded by Count Zinzendorf had three guiding principles namely:

1. Be kind to all people.
2. Seek their welfare.
3. Win them to Christ.

Source Unknown.



I was weeping in the most bitter contrition of my heart when I heard the voice of children from a neighboring house chanting "take up and read; take up and read." I could not remember ever having heard the like so checking the torrent of my tears I arose interpreting it to be no other than a command from God to open the book and read the first chapter I should find. Eagerly then I returned to the place where I had laid the volume of the apostle. I seized opened and in silence read that section on which my eyes first fell: "Not in revelry and drunkenness not in licentiousness and lewdness not is strife and envy; but put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lusts." No further would I read nor did I need to. For instantly at the end of this sentence it seemed as if a light of serenity infused into my heart and all the darkness of doubt vanished away. 


The following biographical/devotional is taken from Prodigals and Those Who Love Them Ruth Bell Graham 1991 Focus on the Family Publishing Page 3-11:

Few men are so great that the main course of history is different just because they lived thought and spoke. Saint Augustine is one of those few. He is a great "bridge personality" of history. Christopher Dawson has written of him in St. Augustine and His Age "He was to a far greater degree than any emperor or barbarian warlord a maker of history and a builder of the bridge which was to lead from the old world to the new." In a little room off the King's Library in the British Museum a small exhibit is devoted to Augustine who lived from A.D. 354 to 430. The exhibit consists chiefly of specimens of his writings with copies of works that range from the Dark Ages to the first scholarly edition in the seventeenth century. The display gives some indication of his extraordinary popularity throughout the age of faith.

Augustine's works were more widely read than any other author's from the eighth through the twelfth centuries and even during the late Middle Ages he was constantly being rediscovered by clever men.

He speaks to this present age as mightily and sweetly as he spoke to the age of dying Roman Imperialism because "hearts speak to hearts " and if ever there was a great heart to speak it was his and if ever there were small and frightened hearts who need his words they are ours. But Augustine's early life gave no indication he was to become such a strong voice of faith. He was born in Tagaste a small town in what is known today as Algeria but during his teenage years his family moved to Carthage in the part of North Africa that belonged to Rome.

His devout mother Monica taught her young son carefully and prayerfully. His brilliance concerned her deeply especially when as a young man he cast off his simple faith in Christ for current heresies and a life given over to immorality.

Later Augustine wrote:

I could not distinguish between the clear shining of affection and the darkness of lust. . .I could not keep within the kingdom of light where friendship binds soul to soul .. .And so I polluted the brook of friendship with the sewage of lust. The details of his sin may differ from ours. (He had a mistress for many years and an illegitimate son.) But Augustine's story is still the story of many of us: The loss of faith always occurs when the senses first awaken. At this critical moment when nature claims us for her service the consciousness of spiritual things is in most cases either eclipsed or totally destroyed. It is not reason which turns the young man from God; it is the flesh. Skepticism but provides him with the excuses for the new life he is leading. This started Augustine was not able to pull up halfway on the road of pleasure; he never did anything by halves. In the vulgar revels of a wild youth he wanted again to be best to be first just as he was at school. He stirred up his companions and drew them after him. They in their turn drew him. Still his mother prayed though as Augustine recalls it showed no result.

I will now call to mind my past foulness and the carnal corruptions of my soul; not because I love them but that I may love You O my God. For the love of Your love I do it; reviewing my most wicked ways in the very bitterness of my remembrance that You may grow sweet unto me (Your sweetness never failing Your blissful and assured sweetness); and gathering me again out of my excess wherein I was torn piecemeal while turned from You the One Good I lost myself among a multiplicity of things...I was grown deaf by the clanking of the chain of my morality the punishment of the pride of my soul and I strayed further from You and You left me alone and I was tossed about and wasted and dissipated and I boiled over in my fornications and You held Your peace O Thou my tardy joy!...I went to Carthage where shameful loves bubbled around me like a boiling oil.

Carthage made a strong impression on Augustine. For a young man to go from little Tagaste to Carthage was about the same as one of our youths going from the small community of Montreat North Carolina to Los Angeles. In fact Carthage was one of the five great capitals of the Roman Empire. A seaport capital of the whole western Mediterranean Carthage consisted of large new streets villa temples palaces docks and a variously dressed cosmopolitan population. It astonished and delighted the schoolboy from Tagaste. Whatever local marks were left about him or signs of the rube they were brushed off in Carthage.

Here Augustine remained from his seventeenth to his twenty-eighth year. He absorbed all Carthage had to offer including the teachings of the Manichaeans (a religious sect from Persia).

Augustine recalled those dark days and his mother's continued intercession on his behalf: Almost nine years passed in which I wallowed in the mire of that deep pit and the darkness of falsehood (Manichaeism)...All which time that chaste godly and sober widow...ceased not at all hours of her devotions to bewail my case unto You. And her prayers entered into Your presence; and yet You suffered (allowed) me to be yet involved and re-involved in that darkness. He also recalled how God comforted his mother during that time showing her that all things would eventually work together for good. First He gave her a vision: She saw herself standing on a certain wooden rule and a shining youth coming towards her cheerful and smiling upon her...He having...enquired of her the causes of her grief and daily tears and she answering that she was bewailing my perdition he bade her rest contented and told her to look and observe "That where she was there was I also." And when she looked she saw me standing by her in the same rule.

Desperate over his Manichaean heresy Monica begged a bishop a man deeply read in the Scriptures to speak with her son and refute his errors. But Augustine's reputation as an orator and dialectician was so great that the holy man dared not try to compete with such a vigorous jouster. He answered the mother wisely that a mind so subtle and acute could not long continue in such adroit but deceptive reasoning. And he offered his own example for he too had been a Manichaean.

But Monica pressed him with entreaties and tears. At last the bishop annoyed by her persistence and moved by her tears answered with a roughness mingled with kindness and compassion "Go go! Leave me alone. Live on as you are living. It is not possible that the son of such tears should be lost." 

In his twenty-ninth year Augustine longed to go to Rome the most magnificent city in the world the seat of learning and to many the center of the universe. Fearing for the spiritual and moral well-being of her son Monica pled unceasingly with him not to go. But the day came that she watched with apprehension the tall masts of the ship in the harbor as they swayed gently above the rooftops. She had waited all day with Augustine in the debilitating heat for the right tide and wind for him to sail to Rome. Augustine persuaded his mother to seek a little rest in the coolness of a nearby chapel. Exhausted she promptly fell asleep. At dawn she awoke and searched the rooftops for the masts of the ship. It was gone.

But Augustine's heart was heavy heavier than the air weighted by the heat and sea-damp -- heavy from the lie and the cruelty he had just committed. He envisioned his mother awakening and her sorrow. His conscience was troubled overcome by remorse and forebodings. He later wrote: I lied to my mother and such a mother and escaped...That night I privily departed but she was not behind in weeping and prayer. And what O Lord was she with so many tears asking of You but that You would not permit me to sail? But You in the depth of Your counsels and hearing the main point of her desire (regarded) not what she then asked that You (might) make me what she ever asked.

Augustine was guided to Rome and then farther north where after listening to Saint Ambrose bishop of Milan and the most eminent churchman of the day he left the Manichaeans forever and began again to study the Christian faith. One day under deep conviction: I cast myself down I know not how under a certain fig-tree giving full vent to my tears; and the floods of mine eyes gushed out an "acceptable sacrifice to You." And not indeed in these words yet to this purpose spake I much unto You: "and You O Lord how Long? How long Lord (will) You be angry for ever? Remember not our former iniquities " for I felt that I was held by them. I sent up these sorrowful words: How long how long "to-morrow and to-morrow?" Why not now? why not is there this hour and end to my uncleanness? So was I speaking and weeping in the most bitter contrition of my heart when lo! I heard from a neighboring house a voice as of boy or girl I know not chanting and oft repeating "Take up and read; Take up and read." Instantly my countenance altered I began to think most intently whether children were wont in any kind of play to sing such words; nor could I remember ever to have heard the like.

So checking the torrent of my tears I arose; interpreting it to be no other than a command from God to open the book and read the first chapter I should find... Eagerly then I returned to the place where Alypius (his friend) was sitting; for there had I laid the volume of the Apostle when I arose thence. I seized opened and in silence read that section on which my eyes first fell: "Not in rioting and drunkenness not in chambering and wantonness not in strife and envying; but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh..." No further would I read; nor needed I for instantly at the end of this sentence by a light as it were of serenity infused into my heart all the darkness of doubt vanished away.

Then putting my finger between or some other mark I shut the volume and with a calmed countenance made it known to Alypius. And what was wrought in him which I knew not he thus showed me. He asked to see what I had read: I showed him; and he looked even further than I had read and I knew not what followed. This followed "Him that is weak in the faith receive;" which he applied to himself and disclosed to me. And by this admonition was he strengthened; and by a good resolution and purpose and most corresponding to his character wherein he did always very far differ from me for the better without any turbulent delay he joined me.

(Then) we go in to my mother we tell her; she (rejoices): we relate in order how it took place; she leaps for joy and...blessed You "Who (are) able to do (more than what) we ask or think"; for she perceived that You (had) given her more for me than she was wont to beg by her pitiful and most sorrowful groanings.

As we know Augustine would go on to more than fulfill all his godly mother's hopes and prayers becoming a bishop and a defender of the truth. Having come home at last this prodigal would help build a house of faith that stands to this day. In the words of Malcolm Muggeridge: "Thanks largely to Augustine the light of the new Testament did not go out with Rome's but remained amidst the debris of the fallen empire to light the way to another civilization Christendom."

As for Monica her work on earth was done. One day shortly after Augustine's conversion she announced to him that she had nothing left to live for now that she had achieved her lifelong quest of seeing him come to faith in Christ. Just nine days later she died.

In the Bible we read of a prodigal whose father kept a vigil for his return seeing him when he was "yet a great way off." We who are spiritual beneficiaries of Augustine can be thankful that Monica was an equally loving but not so passive parent.

Whenever Augustine ran she followed him; whenever he came home she challenged his rebellious ways. For Augustine she surely embodied on earth what he and many other prodigals have learned about our heavenly Father -- a truth best stated in this quotation from the Confessions: "The only way a man can lose You is to leave You; and if he leaves You where does he go? He can run only from Your pleasure to Your wrath."



J.S. Bach's first biographer Forkel tells that young Johann Sebastian discovered that his brother had in his music cabinet a special book of compositions by some of the more established composers of that day such as Pachelbel Froberger Bohm and Buxtehude. He wanted to borrow the book but for some reason his brother refused. Perhaps brother Johann Christoph was reserving those pieces for his own study or performances and didn't want the talented youngster in his home to perfect the works first. Johann Sebastian clearly coveted his brother's book however and in the middle of the night when everyone else in the house was asleep he crept down to sneak the anthology from the cabinet. He took it to his room and began to copy it by moonlight! It took him six months. Johann Christoph found out about it...and promptly impounded the copied volume. Johann Sebastian did not get the book back until his brother died almost a quarter-century later.