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Youth and Young Related


Didn’t Start on Time Eccles. 12:1

         A man came rushing up to a ferry breathless after running at a terrific pace but he got there just as the gateman shut the door in his face.

A bystander remarked “You didn’t run fast enough.” The disappointed man answered “I ran fast enough but I didn’t start on time.”

To accomplish the most for God in a lifetime you must start in early—“in the days of your youth” (Eccles. 12:1 NIV) ── Michael P. GreenIllustrations for Biblical Preaching



         We conducted a three-phase experiment at Rockford College and used over 100 college graduates who were preparing for youth ministry.

         In the first phase: We took a young volunteer from the room and blindfolded him. We simply told him that when he returned he could do anything he wished. He remained outside the room while we instructed each audience member to think of a simple task for the volunteer to do. When the volunteer returned they were to shout their individual instructions at him from where they sat. Prior to this we privately instructed another person to shout a very specific task at the blindfolded volunteer as though it were a matter of life and death. This person was to attempt to persuade the blindfolded volunteer to climb the steps at the back of the auditorium and embrace an instructor who was standing at the door; he had to shout this vital message from where he sat in the audience. The volunteer was oblivious to all instructions and previous arrangements. The volunteer represented our young people the audience represented the world of voices screaming for their attention and the person with the vital message represented those of us who bring the message of the Gospel to youth. The blindfolded student was led back into the room. The lecture room exploded in a din of shouting. Each person tried to get the volunteer to follow his or her unique instructions. In the midst of the crowd the voice of the person with the vital message was lost; no single message stood out. The blindfolded student stood paralyzed by confusion and indecision. He moved randomly and without purpose as he sought to discern a clear and unmistakable voice in the crowd.

         The second phase: We told the audience about the person attempting to get the volunteer to accomplish the vital task. At this point we chose another person from the audience to add a new dimension. This person's goal was to at all costs keep the volunteer from doing the vital task. While the rest of the audience was to remain in their seats these two people were allowed to stand next to the volunteer and shout their opposing messages. They could get as close as they wished; however they were not allowed to touch the volunteer. As the blindfolded volunteer was led back into the room the shouting began again. This time becaue the two messengers were standing so close the volunteer could hear both messages; but because the messages were opposed to each other he vacillated. He followed one for a bit then was convinced by the other to go the opposite direction. In order for young people to hear our message we must get close to them. Even then there are others with opposing messages who also are close enough to make their messages clear. Sometimes they are peers relatives...The main lesson: only the close voices could be heard. Even though the volunteer took no decisive action at least he heard the message.

         The third phase: The response to the third phase was startling. In this phase everything remained the same except the one with the vital message was allowed to touch the volunteer. He could not pull push or in any way force the volunteer to do his bidding; but he could touch him and in that way encourage him to follow. The blindfolded volunteer was led into the room. When he appeared the silence erupted into an earsplitting roar. The two messengers stood close shouting their opposing words. Then the one with the vital message put his arm gently around the volunteer's shoulder and leaned very close to speak directly into his ear. Almost without hesitation the volunteer began to yield to his instruction. Occasionally he paused to listen as the opposition frantically tried to convince him to turn around. But then by the gentle guidance of touch the one with the vital message led him on. A moment of frightening realism occurred spontaneously as the one with the vital message drew close to the goal. All those in the audience who up to this point had been shouting their own individual instruction suddenly joined in unison to keep the volunteer from taking those final steps. Goose bumps appeared all over my body as students began to chant together "Don't go!" "Don't go!" "Don't go!" So many times I've seen the forces that pull our youth in different directions join together to dissuade them from a serious commitment to Christ. The chant grew to a pulsing crescendo "Don't go!" "Don't go!" But the guiding arm of the one with the vital message never left the volunteer's shoulder. At the top of the stairs in the back of the lectrure hall the one with the vital message leaned one last time to whisper in the ear of the volunteer. There was a moment of hesitation then the volunteer threw his arms around the instructor and the auditorium erupted in cheers and applause.

         When the volunteer revealed how he felt as he went through each phase it became apparent that if our mesage is to be heard we cannot shout it from the cavernous confines of our church buildings. We must venture out and draw close to those with whom we wish to communicate. If we really seek a life-changing commitment from our young people we also must reach out where they are and in love gently touch them and lead them to that commitment. We asked the volunteer why he followed the one with the vital message the one who touched him. After a few moments he said "Because it felt like he was the only one who really cared." ── Ken Davis How To Speak To Youth pp 19-23.



              Youth is such a wonderful thing it’s a shame to waste it on the young.— George Bernard Shaw


YOUTH Statistics and Stuff

         Lying cheating and stealing are becoming an "acceptable norm" among high-school and college students says Ralph Wexler speaking for the Joseph and Edna Josephson Institute of Ethics. In a recent survey the Institute reported that 61 percent of the high-school and 32 percent of the college students polled admitted to having cheated on an exam during the past year; 33 percent of the high-school and 16 percent of college students said they'd stolen something in the last year; and 16 percent of the high-school and 32 percent of the college students said they'd lied on a resume or job application. ── National and International Religion Report quoted in Signs of the Times June 1993 Page 6.



Surveys in 1986:

70% of high school grads leave the church never to return
65% of evangelical teens never read their Bibles
33% believe religion is out of date and out of touch
40% of all teens believe in astrology
30% read astrology column daily
93% know their sign
58% of protestant teens believe students should have access to contraceptives.
25% of high school students contract some form of V.D.
42% of protestant teens say there are many ways to God.
60% question that miracles are possible
28% feel the content of the Bible are not accurate.

According to surveys in 1990:

65% of all H.S. Christian students are sexually active
75% of all H.S. students cheat regularly
30% of all H.S. students have shoplifted in the past 30 days
45-50% of all teen pregnancies are aborted
3.3 million teens are alcoholics
1000 teens try to commit suicide daily
10% of H.S. students have experimented with or are involved in a homosexual lifestyle.

── Bruce Wilkinson 7 Laws of the Learner.



         Survey results from youth attending Southern Baptist summer activities: 22% witnessed violence in their homes. 27% had been involved in a physical attack. 19% had considered suicide. 20% had engaged in sexual intercourse. Nearly 60% had experimented with alcohol by age 13. 27% had tried drugs by that same age. 9% had experienced some kind of sexual violence. ── Scocaster publication of Scofield Memorial Church July 11 1993.


1. Lessons are often presented on the subject of "Home and Family"...
   a. Discussing the challenges of marriage and parenting
   b. Describing the responsibilities of spouses
and children
2. In many cases
little is said concerning those who are single...
   a. Perhaps because the "nuclear" family is assumed to be the norm
   b. Yet many are single
and may feel left out
[The Bible does have things to say about being single.  As we consider
what is said
perhaps it may be beneficial to begin by answering some
      1. Some may be single by circumstance
         a. Such as women who have never been asked to marry
         b. Such as men who have not yet found a woman to accept their
         c. Such as those who are divorced
perhaps through no fault of
            their own
         d. Such as those who are widowed
suffering the loss of their
         e. Such as those too young to marry
or too sick
      2. Some may be single by choice
         a. Perhaps they prefer the single life on its own merits
         b. Perhaps they have chosen to remain single for other reasons
            1) Jesus said some would be single for the sake of the
               kingdom - cf. Mt 19:11-12
            2) Paul considered his singleness a "gift from God" - cf.
               1 Co 7:7-8
            3) Some may simply not be drawn toward the opposite sex
      3. Sometimes
circumstances make being single the best choice
         a. As in times of persecution - cf. 1 Co 7:25-28
         b. Or in times of war
      -- With so many possible reasons
we should be careful not to
         presume why one is single
      1. Freedom from care
         a. As in times of distress or persecution - cf. 1 Co 7:26-28
         b. In such times
it is a blessing not to have to worry about a
            spouse and children
      2. Freedom to serve the Lord
         a. As Paul describes in 1 Co 7:32b-35
         b. There are opportunities to serve the Lord that may not be as
            open to with familial responsibilities
            1) E.g.
preaching in foreign countries
            2) E.g.
doing more for others in the local congregation
      1. The danger of temptations
         a. Physical desires can be strong
            1) If so
then one should not be single by choice
            2) Marriage is for those who don't have the "gift" of
               singleness - 1 Co 7:8-9
         b. If single by circumstance
one needs to be extra careful
            1) They may not have the help of close supervision by other
               family members
            2) It is more tempting when no one is looking!
            3) They need to be extra sure to lean on the Lord - cf. 1 Co
      2. The danger of loneliness
         a. Not to be confused with solitude
which many single people
         b. Loneliness can lead to depression
which can render one
            ineffective in the service of God
      3. The danger of self-centeredness
         a. Living alone
it is easy to become set in one's own ways
         b. One may soon forget of the how or need to accommodate others
[The single life may not be better or worse than married life
different.  It does come with its own unique challenges
of which all
Christians (married or single) should be aware.  Now if I may
      1. Utilize the advantages of being single
         a. Use your freedom to increase your service to God - 1 Co 7:
         b. Don't be selfish with the extra time and freedom you have
         c. Don't begrudge others who may not do as much as you because
            of their other responsibilities (e.g.
      2. Watch out for the dangers of being single
         a. Temptations - make an effort to develop a close relationship
            with the Lord
         b. Loneliness - accept invitations to be with others
            opportunities to be with others
         c. Self-centeredness - offer yourself in service to others; be
      3. Remember that you are in the "family of God"
         a. You have many mothers
            - cf. Mk 10:29-30
         b. Make the effort to develop and utilize these relationships
      1. Be acceptive toward those are single by choice
         a. If they have the "gift of God" for singleness
            consider them strange
         b. Thank God for His diversity of gifts to His people
         c. Utilize those who use their singleness for increased service
            to God
      2. Be understanding toward those who are single by circumstance
         a. The challenges they may face due to no choice of their own
         b. The temptations they may face living the single life
      3. Be sensitive toward all who are single
whether by choice or
         a. Their need to be part of our "family" in Christ
         b. Their need for friendship and involvement in our activities
1. No matter what our station in life
God can give us the strength and
   wisdom to lead productive and joyful lives!
2. If you are single
and your service to Christ has been hindered by
   a. Either your own
   b. Or those of others
   -- Then I hope this lesson may be of some help
May we all be sensitive to the particular needs of one another
and help
each other glorify God with our lives
as diverse as they may be!


--《Executable Outlines